Was about to pop my payment in the mail when I noticed it was my address showing out the window. Citibank had included a return envelope with the window cut to show my address instead of theirs on the return stub. That would be pretty nasty to check my mail next week and find it there and then miss the payment deadline resulting in a big rate increase. I'm sure it was just an "accident." 0
thanks for the warning Citibank is absolutely brutal on late payments and interest. Wheeeeeewwweee....got a question for you: Do you have a "card agreement" w/them?
Wow! That would be a bummer. People will end up not knowing what happened to them!! Did you call Citibank and tell them? Maybe they can do something. I pay online, don't even get paper statements anymore, but I can imagine being in a hurry, stuff the check in there and drop it in the mail without ever looking at the address.
Whazzat? I have a credit card from them. They spot me money with lots of conditions. I agree to pay them back. So, I guess yes.
Thanks for the heads up! Although this is exactly why I use their online payment option. You might want to look into it. It's really convenient and helps prevent possibility of having a late payment. As long as you schedule payment at least the day before, you're all set!
No , he just tells them what he wants when he wants it and they jump through hoops to get it done for him!
No, that would be my Citibank Rhodium ultra-deluxe card w/ diamond clusters. I was just talking about my Gold card I use for everyday stuff. 0
Citibank's "Card Agreement" is a specific (not general) document. If you have a copy of it, be aware of the clause that allows Citibank to accept "paid in full" checks and not lose any of their rights. Yeah, gang...not such a shallow post by The Kid. LOL
, be aware of the clause that allows Citibank to accept "paid in full" checks and not lose any of their rights. Kiddy ====================== So what rights do they have when the check is payment in full? Dose it mean you have to pay it again?
Call me confused but what the heck does that have to do with Citibank playing games with return envelopes. FWIW, read your state's laws on restrictive endorsements and then remember there are 49 other states plus a few odds and ends. 0 trolls allowed
pay online 4 times a month. Thats once per week. If you even get lazy like me and pay twice a month you'll never be late, nor will you pay as much interest Citibank has been my favourite CC and all my debt is in their circles since they continously offer me the best; just don't set yourself up for their shenanigans. and always be one step ahead of their game.
Citibank has (at least in one instance) cashed a paid in full check (an A and S check) and then pursued the remaining balance in reliance on that clause of the Card Agreement. I definitely don't think that they are "right" in doing so, but that is what they tried to do. I mentioned it as an FYI ("watch out") for anyone doing an A and S with Citibank.
Um, l'see, if I turn it this way, uh, no. And that way, nopsey daisey. Oh, let's try it the other way, drat. Let's make a deal. I'll promise not to assume you're as smart as I am if you promise not to assume I'm as dumb as you are. "ZERO - don't feed the trolls." "I know, I know, it's just so much fun" "Go to your room" "Aww gee, it was hungry." "Go!" "bbbbut" "NOW!"