Thank you for confirming that I did tell waalien the same thing that humblemarc told me. LOL, thanks. Yeah, I have read the first 3 threads, thanks! Oh, this credit need thicker skin than that to play it! LOL
Wow. I almost skipped over this thread this morning cause I was tired of dealing with this guy. BTW, Radi8, I'm a "she" not a "he" ;-) The Kid, you said you've read the top 3 threads........ have you tried reading the FDCPA and the FCRA? Any of the FTC opinion letters? I'm not trying to be snide, honestly, but when I decided to educate myself about this subject, I printed them ALL out and read them about 15 times each, highlighting things and figuring out what my rights were. THEN, I came here and read the top 3 posts several times, which educated me even further. THEN and only then did I post. And if I was unclear on a subject, then I asked questions. If a subject matter interested me, then I read carefully the replies that were given by the many members of this board whose opinion I respect, and who have been through the same trials and tribulations that I am going through. I am not an expert on this subject, but I read a LOT about it - on this forum, and on many other forums, and every source of information that I can get my hands on. And because I know that not every situation is identical, and that I am never going to be right EVERY TIME, I would NEVER decide to attack another poster for daring to disagree with me. This forum is about HELPING and SUPPORTING one another in our common goal of making CA's and CRA's adhere to the law, NOT about seeing who can pee the furthest into the wind. I am SURE that there is a forum somewhere for you to be able to attempt to win that contest, but this isn't it. These will be my last words to you because now I will be going to find the option to enable me to ignore your idiotic rantings. I hope someone saved me a cookie or two, that would be the perfect thing to go with my coffee this morning
Thanks Whoooo-hoooooo! COOOOOOOKIES!!!! BTW, ma_bear, I meant to thank you in my post earlier for calling the kid on his behavior. Happy Turkey Day
No problem. I try not to, but when irritated enough, I call 'em as I see 'em. Happy Gobble, Gobble Day (or around here, a nice steak on the BBQ)
Ignore sounds like the best idea I've heard all day. I was just reading and starting to get ticked off again ymself. Face it, if an instigator is ignored, he can't instigate. That will make 3 people from this board so far on ignore. Honestly, I don't miss those folks at all. Once in a while someone quotes one of them, and I take them off ignore, just to check, and yep, sho nuff, I decide I was right to put them on ignore in the first place, and back they go. Life is good.
Re: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cookies....chocolate chip candy.....hershey's almond or dove bars popcorn....kettlecorn fla-tan
Re: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ya got my attention now!!!!!!!!!! Who cares whatwe're watchin...just give me a couple or them chocolate chip cookies fla-tan
Just wanted to know if you could see my post breeze. BTW, what's up with not sharing your mail anymore?
ooops..sorry! It seems that I have posted incorrect information. Suppose I'd better go back and reread the top 3 threads before *someone* orders me to! Radi8
Oh! IC! It just sorta died out. lemme see, what'd I get today? Bank statement - they are no longer giving me the credit for not using teller transactions, so I now pay the service charge each month. Gotta dump them, but it's just so inconvenient to move all those EFT's. AmEx wants me to get their legal services thingy. I already got one I like. A BJ's Wholesale Club catalogue. A bill for my car payment - it's an EFT, but they send me a bill every month anyway, hehe. They like paying postage, etc, I guess. A Smithfield catalogue (the ham people). And Mom got her B of A statement (I take care of her stuff for her) - They sent a nice cash advance check too! I shredded it. See? Nothing exciting.
HEYYYYYYYY, I wanted popcorn and cookies too! Can you see this Breeze, LOL, just checking. Happy Thanksgiving, fave AUTHENTIC credit-netters. Gobble, Gobble. Sassy
I think we have some stale cookies hanging around. Maybe you can convince Breeze to bake a fresh batch. If she's not already got the turkey in the oven?
Stale cookies, eh? Ok, pass them over, I'll dunk them in milk. I've got dibs on the first batch Breeze puts in the oven after pulling the perfectly browned turkey out! Sassy P.S. Making a list for Christmas fruit cake NOW, he he he
George Kid is the fruitcake isn't he/she??? I think we'll all pass then. BTW I get some of those chocolate chip cookies as well. fla-tan
Geez, people...haven't you guys ever heard that there is no *one* way???? There are many paths to credit repair and/or correction. Must be a full moon tonight...all the egos are coming L