Leaving to pick up donuts at ALBERTSONS and on to work... 6AM we open and the "LOONS" come in... Should be a more "NORMAL" crowd after 10AM...I hope. 8.00 is all I'm doin' (with 1/2 lunch)
I just drove by a Walmart parking lot at 6:00 and it was so full people were parkiing across the street!!! what the hell is going on!
I plan on doing most of my holiday shopping online. I can't deal with all these nuts in these stores. I didn't realize that Albertsons was out west GEORGE. I have one nearby but its rather pricey so I tend to shop at Winn-Dixie or Publix. Although they do have good deals when they have specials.
I actually set my alarm at 4:30am so I could get up and get to the store by 5:00am when it opened. Well, I just couldn't do it, so instead,my hubby got up and went before work to get a few things. He said that at 5:00am Walmart and Kmart was packed!! How do people get up that early?
I pass by a Walmart on my way to work in the morning. At 6:30 this morning there were 4 police cars and 2 ambulances there. I can only imagine why.
I'm ALL DONE shopping! I've been done since last week. I just can't understand why so many people would want to rush out into that muck of crowded terror! I think it's smarter to get the shopping done before post Thanksgiving day, but I guess everyone does it their own way.
i jsut got back. walmart was like a zoo, I got there at 5:00 am and store didn't open until 6:00 am . folks had camp chairs and throws (??????). Left and went to Kohl's and then on to Value City. I spent less than $225 (smile) because I don't buy much for Christmas,.... I like buying gifts all year round!
I have a friend at work that believes in buying nice & expensive gifts for your birthday (which she does). Then at Christmas she gives inexpensive items. Its just that these days its hard to find something thats nice and inexpensive.
I just got back, I decided to just go later to see what was going on. Target was full, but EVERY check out was open and I breezed in and out. They also had a pretty good stock of toys and stuff I was looking for. Thought I'd drop by Kmart since it's on my way home and out of 13 check out lines, 3 were open. As usual also: rude, horrible employees. My comforters didn't scan for the price they had on the shelf (I ALWAYS have problems there and get overcharged when i don't watch out so I scanned them before checking out and they were MORE). I asked at the cust. serv. counter which price it was and she said it should be the lower one. Well, the check out gal wasn't happy with me but I told her she should be used to it by now. I think most people probably don't even pay attention and ASSUME they've paid the price they thought it was supposed to be. I always say I'm never going back there, (was going to see just this last time if they had Rapunzel Barbie at 13.99 still, of course I was out of my mind to even bother since they never have enough inventory...) this time was definitely it. My Walmart and Target are right across the street from each other so I'll stick with them. Definitely wasn't my best shopping day, but at least I didn't get up at 4am and have to be mad all the rest of the day! LOL!! I'm ready for bed! Newstdt
newstdt, Kmart is horrible when it comes to prices ringing up correctly at check out. I have to watch everything that is scanned! It's always a problem to have them correct it. Also, they are usually out of their sale items. They never stock enough!! I must say Walmart and Target are better.
I just got home from a 10 1/2 hour day....UGH! Lemme just say that you all are maniacs when a good sale comes around. We were very busy, I don't know what we ended up at but it was close to a half mil in sales for today alone, can't wait for tomorrow to come around. Happy Holidays
We are an "impacted" smaller store, $260,000 is what we were shootin' for... We have 1 superstore in our city and two next door (neighbor cities)...
George: Any idea what WM's cost was on that 27-inch stereo TV that was selling for $148? I saw dozens leaving my store. Also leaving the store were dozens of the $698 computers with CD burners and DVD-ROMs, 17-inch monitors, 60-GB hard drives, 2.0 GhZ Celeron chips and a printer. Tried to get a Kodak 3+ megapixel camera ($154) at 6:02 am, but store was already sold out. Arriving at 6 on Black Friday was an event! I got shut out on the sales front, but watching the people was a real gas. Old ladies were pushing carts jammed with computers and TVs: They couldn't see over the top of the carts, so they were navigating by peering around the sides, taking a few quick steps, and then peering again around the sides. This was an interesting bit of Americana. I'll go next year just to watch. Mo P.S. The lines at both ends of my Supercenter surged inside precisely at 6. People after small items sprinted to them, which explains why the digital cameras were sold out instantly. I was told the store had only 12, a small number considering the number of computers and TVs it had. In any event, some of the people who waited in line the longest got screwed because of cross traffic in the area where the carts were being distributed. Seeing this, I opted to get a cart that was parked outside and was able to pass those waiting for carts inside on the right. Be that as it may, I still got screwed. It was nevertheless a memorable experience.
Any idea what WM's cost was on that 27-inch stereo TV that was selling for $148? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't know...