(On my knees, hands above head): Amen, amen! I can see the light and the Avs scoreboard (hey, hey,hey, what was that 10 demerits remark, huh? teehee)
OMG! I have to respect your W**gs comment (I can't bring myself to type the words). And, if you'll just FEEL, I said FEEL the power, Amen, you'll know, I said You'll know, the light is with the AVS... And, you are calling forth George-O with your "Caps" comment, aren't you?
NanaC D*mn you are letting out the code words again. You just have to stop that. BTW just remember you may think you AV but most likely you AV not. fla-tan
My take: narcissistic injuries sustained primarily as a result of an Axis II personality disorder. Doc
(stolen from dictionary.com) nar·cis·sism 1.Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit. 2. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem. 3. Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development. 4.The attribute of the human psyche charactized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits. Me? Well, which one? 1, 2, 3, or 4??? (Translation for newer members: "Jump her in the parking lot at noon.") LOL
Actually, jrp32, its MY ball. I just let marc use it. And if he wants to take it home he can so there!
Marc, Your point is well expressed and understandable. I have been on this board for awhile now and have thought the same thing myself. I personally will help anyone on this board because I have been helped in the past. But it does piss me off when someone will just jump into the thread to argue just for arguments sake - it's very annoying and very rude. You have to realize there are allot of people on this board, and when there is allot of people well we know there will inevitably be some idiots (the idiots know who they are) as well...lol As for you, I've personally seen you go out of your way to help people on here - so dont think for one minute it's gone un-noticed. DONT GIVE UP ON THIS FORUM!!! Thanks, Sal
Hey, no comments about my looks, o.k????!!!!! teehee Breeze-O Girlio Disput-O Delete-O (short for Breeze): Yo, No, don't want no meds...I know what that really means, yo......I'm gonna expose your code, yo (hmmm, that didn't sound good, did it?)