A happy extended holiday weekend to all! I DO read the boards.. I did read the FAQ's,,, Now, here is my question (I am sure its either stupid, or has been asked, somewhere...) If they do not verify in 30 days, then they are supposed to delete. I have seen them delete and then putit on a week later, "having been re-verified" and therefore put back. I assume this is legal, based on my knowelege. HOWEVER... If they DON'T delete after 30, and you force them to delete by saying that their time is up... does that prevent them in any way from the "right" of putting it back if its re-verified after 30 days? I hope that I haven't missed something here! Thanks! Nestea P.S. I spared the turkey! He is lucky he was supposed to be carved during CHOD!!!
5) Treatment of inaccurate or unverifiable information. (A) In general. If, after any reinvestigation under paragraph (1) of any information disputed by a consumer, an item of the information is found to be inaccurate or incomplete or cannot be verified, the consumer reporting agency shall promptly delete that item of information from the consumer's file or modify that item of information, as appropriate, based on the results of the reinvestigation. (B) Requirements relating to reinsertion of previously deleted material. Certification of accuracy of information. If any information is deleted from a consumer's file pursuant to subparagraph (A), the information may not be reinserted in the file by the consumer reporting agency unless the person who furnishes the information certifies that the information is complete and accurate. Notice to consumer. If any information that has been deleted from a consumer's file pursuant to subparagraph (A) is reinserted in the file, the consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of the reinsertion in writing not later than 5 business days after the reinsertion or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency. Additional information. As part of, or in addition to, the notice under clause (ii), a consumer reporting agency shall provide to a consumer in writing not later than 5 business days after the date of the reinsertion: [/list=I] blah blah blah blah blah
Please don't take this a flame, as it isn't. (amazing how we have to word things now) It's great that you read the above threads, but did you do a search here? If you use the search at the top of the page, you can do a more exact search. Just for kicks, I did a search here using the word "reinserted". I got over 400 results which I can just about guarantee had the same answers. Here is the link to the search results. http://consumers.creditnet.com/stra...d=101220&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending
You know...I can empathize with those who ask questions that have already been asked a zillion times. My credit correcting is done and after 14 months here, I often have trouble tracking down threads that I *know* I have read before dealing with a particular issue. Perhaps my tolerance level is low, but after a while of searching, I will often post for someone to send me a link (as there are a ton of bookmark groupies here <grin>). It can be very cumbersome to search through a zillion threads...some of which have been hijacked, some of which don't really deal with the issue at hand and some of which are threads like the dozen that popped up this weekend where people forget their manners in the quest to prove that they are right. I figure if I have to read through those "give me an ego boost, I'm always right and I know more than you" posts along with all those posts from people who pop up here and bash the vets who have generously given their time to help others, others can read through my post asking a question or asking for a link no matter how many times it has been posted or discussed before. If someone doesn't want to respond to my request...that's fine. Someone else out there who maybe I've gone out of my way to help is likely to get it to me either on the board or via email. With all the newbies joining, I don't think it hurts to have some basic discussions. If a question is asked that has an answer in the FAQ...maybe you could just post the link to the FAQ? Or pass the question by? Isn't it just as easy to answer the question as it is to post that they should do a search or look at the FAQ? I did my own work, did my own research and decided my own courses of action, but without the input from Lizardking, Christi, Marie, Kellie, Psychdoc and many, many others who at times did answer basic questions for that had been discussed here ad nauseum, I might have been able to correct the problems with my credit report, but I highly doubt I would have had nearly the results I got with my lawsuits. Their feedback made all the difference...particularly with my last lawsuit. Just my opinion...and now that I've hijacked this thread...back to your regularly scheduled program... L
Yes it may be just as easy to post a link to or answer a question as it is to post that someone should do a search. Apparently, my point was missed. If someone asks a question but has yet to even attempt a search, giving the answer to them gives them an easy out, and gives the mindset that they don't need to do any of their own research as someone else will do it for them. However, maybe you didn't notice but I did post a link to the results of the search that the poster should have done.
Amen!! I just wish I could get my darn search to work!! LOL! I see it both ways, people do have to learn how to help themselves but a little bit of direction can often get them started. I also agree, if you don't want to bother, then just don't and perhaps someone else will. I think most of the active members here are pretty awesome for the time and effort (and common sense) they share. Honestly, since I first started reading this board the ego crap has just been something I scan over, I don't read every single post either but I use what I can to apply to my situation and try to help if I can. Keeping it simple... Newstdt
Re: BOY, will I be flamed for this I figured I would be told that I didn't search, or that it's in the FAQ somewhere. However, The search of this site gives links to many articles in the same thread as well as many irelevant articles. FOr example, people searching for CHOD will end up getting this thread at least once, because I just typed that word. Any way that each post or thread could have a keyowrd search? meaning that the results would be grouped better or in order of relevance... And, I do thank all yous for your responses, AND for not flaming me
Just for the record, LKH...wasn't referring to your post, but rather I was responding to all the threads that managed to get out of control these past few days with apparently no moderator in site. I've posted my viewpoint and you are certainly entitled to yours and can respond to posts however you see fit or not at all. That's your perogative. For me...if I think I can give a useful response, I will. If not, or if I don't feel like it, I don't. L
No problemo. I did think it was in response to my post, so I was explaining my position. I'm glad it wasn't though. LOL As for the moderator, if someone doesn't take control of this board quickly, it is destined to fall apart.
Well this is, afterall, a DISCUSSION board. I would bet that 99% of the topics discussed on this board on a daily basis have been discussed over and over again in the past. Sure, the answer to a particular question will probably be out there after a good search, but like many have said, it is common to get literally hundreds or thousands of posts relating in some way to a topic. I agree that everyone should make an effort to research their problem, but sometimes this is ineffective or just not practical when a short post or link would do the trick. I don't understand why so many on this board are so quick to "punish" a poster who is simply asking a question. Some are chastized as if they were children or something. The veterans on this board are a bastion of knowledge and are almost always willing to help all who need their experience and advice. The last thing we want to do is create an environment where new members are hesitant to ask a question for fear of retribution for not following some perceived "protocol" for credit net. If everyone just did searches for their answers, this board would be dead and it would basically be a library instead of an interactive place for discussion. Anyway, this is just my two cents.
Re: BOY, will I be flamed for this hmmm. Is it possible to have posts rateable? like on a scale of 1 to 5, like yahoo!'s "most emailed articles" and "most viewed articles" ?.............