<Please respond how many times each of you has read and reread the first three posts.> <1) PsychDoc's Credit Repair Primer> jrp32: Once <2) Unofficial CreditNet Board FAQs> jrp32: Once <3) Creditnet glossary (for newbies)> jrp32: Once <Did you take notes to try to get answers to the areas that you didn't understand?> jrp32: Where it was applicable to my situation, yes. Is this acceptable/not acceptable?
I am A "newbie" to this website, and have been tackling my own credit for a year now until i found this site, there seems to be alot of talk about "newbies" on this site. why?? isnt this post for anyone or only you oldtimers? and yes i have read the top three posts and they are helpful but they dont answer problem specific. maybe thats why i only got one response to my post today ----because i am a m"newbie"?
You get an ANSWER if somebody that knows the answer is ON-LINE... Not everybody is on here every day. It is also POSSIBLE that somebody MIGHT know the answer, but they are so far behind in reading, that the QUESTION gets skipped, or they may get to it like 2 days later...
I am not a newbie (smile), but I will confess that the irregularity of the search function working has been a problem, especially when trying to search about a particular ca/problem. Hopefully the new board monitor can assist with that. I think a lot of newbie questions can be attributed to this too, if you look at their response to this thread.
Hi -- I'm a "newbie" (have been reading and posting for about 3 mos. now). Actually I believe when I came on board initially, the core 3 posts at the top had not been assigned there yet, although when they were posted I read and re-read them several times. They were very helpful in helping me understand a lot the interesting CN lingo and special terms.
No one here deliberately ignores new posters. Weekends are somewhat slow - a lot of the big-time posting is done during the week. Some of us have lot of other responsibilities and don't have time to read and answer every thread. We have a little technique called "bumping" - just reply to your own post with the word "bump" and it will put it back at the top of the list. Feel free to do it til you attract someone's attention.
It's ok to talk to yourself. It's even ok to answer yourself, but if you ever find yourself saying "HUH?" that's when you have a problem. lol
For you, dear newbie Butch is good at these letters. He has been off discussing newbies, hehe and prolly didn't see that you needed immediate help. http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38105
I have read the the first three threads once. No notes, at least not yet. I did copy them to my desktop so that I can refer to them as needed. I use the search feature at least once every time I read messages on the board. It always works for me, just very slowly. I think this board is great. I have been reading through old and new posts, all weekend! I am just getting started at cleaning up mine and my husbands credit.
pannajune Welcome to the board. I know that doing the suggested pre-start work can seem to be a daunting task, but it will make your journey much easier. Good luck in your journey. And as breeze said...we love newbies here..... Somtimes fried and sometimes, if we have cholesterol problems, we broil them......LOL fla-tan
jrp In my experience, I have found that I need to read something I am studying at least 3 times in order to absorb the material. The first time I read something, I just look to get an overview of the material. The second time, I am able to hone in more on the specifics of the material. The third time, I really start to understand. And yes it is important to take notes as you are reading, and as another poster pointed out, highlight certain areas that seem to pertain to specific situations. This is not intended as a slam, just advice. It is not for me to say what is or is not acceptable. I don't own this board, nor am I the moderator. fla-tan
Nave, Excellent advice. I think some have forgoten that FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions. That is freqently as in, things you might see again and again! It's a FAQ not a QTIYHTTTTRTFTPYWBSDSATHTBTAMPW. So expect to see the same questions frequently. For all you internet NEWBIES who have not taken the time to look at the Glossary post, I'll define "QTIYHTTTTRTFTPYWBSDSATHTBTAMPW" it means.. "Questions that if you had taken the time to read the first three posts you wouldn't be some damm stupid as to have the balls to annoy me personally with." JohnM ps Nave, tell your 5-year old nephew to stop beating up on the newbies please. It gets old hearing the same thing again and again and again....
<In my experience, I have found that I need to read something I am studying at least 3 times in order to absorb the material. The first time I read something, I just look to get an overview of the material. The second time, I am able to hone in more on the specifics of the material. The third time, I really start to understand. And yes it is important to take notes as you are reading, and as another poster pointed out, highlight certain areas that seem to pertain to specific situations.> My thought is that each person "learns" differently. I earned a masters degree with my current learning methods, and I make a nice living utilizing these same methods. With that said, I feel I have found the most affective way for me to learn. For others, it might be a completely different method. <This is not intended as a slam, just advice. It is not for me to say what is or is not acceptable. I don't own this board, nor am I the moderator.> No slam taken, fla-tan. You are one of the few people on here who both help people and refuse to "dog-pile" or "gang-up" on anyone who dare talks back to an ol' timer . . . and I respect you for it. I say keep up YOUR great work. ;-)
<QTIYHTTTTRTFTPYWBSDSATHTBTAMPW> I LOVE it! You also make a great point about simply ignoring frequent questions as opposed with becoming ANNOYED with them. Case in point: someone posts with the subject line "What is FICO?" Some people could respond with the "What the he** is wrong with people??? &#@*$&!!!" posts, or . . . . Maybe someone who is a new member would actually like to tout their new found knowledge by answering the person specifically, and cross-referencing the FAQ for additional information. That's the type of list I would think the moderator(s) would want . . .
jr, no slam intended in this either, but when you were asking about obtaining credit scores and monitoring services, you were asking questions that have been definitively answered in the FAQ threads. There actually are no better answers, regardless of how individualized they may be. It was reasonable to tell you to look there (FAQ) because if you missed that information, there is no telling what else you might have missed. Somehow, some people have the idea that the FAQ does not have the best answers available. Nave put that together based on all the research that we have done over all the past years that creditnet has been in existence. Those are the best answers. Insisting on an individualized response is wasting time and effort. Yours posting the question, someone else's to answer, and all the time and effort that Nave put into the FAQ threads. You are ignoring the positives on this board, and focusing on one or two imagined negatives, IMO. For positives, look at all the work Nave put into the FAQ. It was done to help new people get a quick grasp of the basics, not to avoid discussing things with newcomers. It's to give people a running start on things it took some of us years to learn. Nave is just a member, he's not paid to do anything here. I think it is rude to imply that he has not put our best information in those threads, and if I had done all that work, my feelings would be hurt when people insisted that there are better answers to their questions, and they demand that someone here give up that secret information. As to who knows what - there are plenty of new people who come here with tremendous knowledge and that is always recognized. These people demonstrate their knowledge in their posts, and they do get respect. When they debate an issue, it is not with a paranoid response that people with a huge number of posts listed behind their name are putting down those with a lesser number of posts behind their name. I have read all your posts and all the replies, and I do not see where you were treated badly. You just wanted individualized answers and were told that the answers are in the FAQ. There is nothing dismissive about that, and no reason to be offended. No one here removed anything from any of your posts - we can't. Only PBM can do that, and right now there isn't one, or this debaucle would be over.
jr yes people do learn differently. However, when a person repetitively asks questions that have been answered (probably better) in the FAQs, then they should not be surprised when they are directed to those same FAQs, and on a regular basis. Noone here is paid to be here, we are here because we wish to. We wish to assist those who are not as knowledgeable and assist them to find the answers to their credit related problems. The attitude that I have caught from some of the recent new members (ie newbies) is that we who have been here owe it to the newbie to answer their questions immediately and in the way that they desire us to. I hate to break their bubble, but that ain't gonna happen. Most vets will help and direct, but we are not going to do your work for you.When that desire to assist dissipates then that individual leaves. Most likely that time will come to us all. However, when a vet gets attacked adhominum (sp?) it is no wonder that that desire wanes. Sorry for rambling. BTW I have ganged-up when I felt that the occasion warrented it. You can ask those that it occurred to. I can get down in the trenches with the best/worst of them. That probably means that you don't want to get on my bad side...LOL fla-tan