CA sends more validation

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by liss411, Nov 30, 2002.

  1. liss411

    liss411 Well-Known Member

    Hi Team! I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
    Last weekend I sent a post regarding IC System and their validation practices. Thank you rblues and LKH for sending advice so quickly. As a refresher...IC SYstems ignores all my attepmpts for validation. Finally they sent me a letter, in response to a complaint I filed w/ the BBB. Their letter said that they sent a letter and I did not dispute w/in the first 30 days of the account, so I had lost my right to validate. They also sent an account history w/ just my name printed at the top. Thanks to all the advice I got, I sent them a letter telling them that I never lose my right to validate and I would like to see some proof of the initial notice sent. In addition, they did not provide legal documentation of my identity.
    I sent that letter on Monday, and I just got their response...(I will just highlight the important parts of the letter)
    "I am enclosing further documentation of this account. The FDCPA requires only a validation notice to be sent. We are not required to prove that you received it. I.C. System was entitled to assume the debt was valid when you failed to dispute w/in the validation period. Nevertheless, IC System has gone beyond what is required and has provided you with verification of this account. We have provided all the verification we intend to provide about this account. We will not communicate with you further unless you provide some proof that you are not you who has received these dental services. If you decide to sue, remember that this dentist has dental records that can be used for indentification purposes"
    So they enclosed a form that is filled out when you first go to a dentist. It has my information and the second page has my signature. The funny thing is that I made them work for this and they were faxed this from the dentist just last week. I have a letter sent in to my insurance company to see what was billed during that period of time. The weird thing is that my insurance company is saying that they do not have a claim in for that time, but will pull their records just in case.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on what else I can do? Is this validation? I thought for sure IC would just delete since it is a paid account. I have also sent intent to sue letters to the CRA's last week for CHOD w/ documentation that IC Systems has ignored all my demand for validation letters.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. liss411

    liss411 Well-Known Member

  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Try a different avenue of attack perhaps. Dispute again with the CRA's and then request a procedural description. Sometimes they just get tired of the whole thing or don't respond. With it being the holidays and such, now is a good time :)

    I just got a kick out of the dental records for identification comment they made. I can see it

  4. liss411

    liss411 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, good idea. The tradeline isn't going to be on there forever, and maybe I will eventually get lucky from disputing.
    Have a good one!

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