Experian denied inv. what's next?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zhenya, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    I send two disputes to Experian Nov 22. They signed both green cards Nov 25th. On Nov 26 they mailed me 2 separate letters (one for each dispute) stating 'previosly investigated' One of these items was verified Oct 2002 and another Aug 2002. Can they decline investigation if the request was send in.

    what do i do now? Send them another dispute stating another reason? call them and argue that they couldn't do that? send them a letter saying that they violate my right to have reported information investigated? request procedurals?

    please help.
  2. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Same here.

    I sent my CHOD to Experian and they have already sent back a credit report stating that the two issues I want removed have already been researched.

    They were about 5-7 months ago.

    Can I ask for prodedural documentation regarding their initial investigation? I can't let them off this easy. There has to be a response of some kind.
  3. lbowman

    lbowman Well-Known Member

    I got the same response today on my disputes sent off last week. I guess this is their way of "trimming the fat". Anyone else had this happen? What's the next course of action??

  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Ask for a procedural request. It looks like the CRA's aren't wasting time on responding to disputes. Charlie
  5. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

  6. islandboy

    islandboy Well-Known Member

    I sent my EXP dispute 11/22 via USPS no CRRR I checked Credit Expert today and all but 2 were being investigated and 1 was deleted. The 1 that was not investigated-I had disputed back in Oct and it was verified-won't let me dispute online.

    Oddly enough I had 2 other items that were verified in early Nov yesterday I was able to get EXP reinvestigate them online yesterday.

    I don't presume to know how EXP works but this what happened with my diputes.
  7. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    I also mailed them 5 letters on 11/22 disputing different things never before disputed. I checked CE today
    under "investigation progress" and they only show
    2 items under dispute from my mailing but at the bottom of the page it says that there may be more items under investigation.
    My Experience with EX so far is that everything I dispute on-line shows up "under dispute" by mail
    I'm also wondering if they are investigating or not.
  8. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Me too! I am 0 for 2 with EXP. I sent in a dispute for me and one for my husband, got 2 green cards back dated 11/26. Two letters came back dated the same day, 11/26. EXP stated that I did not give enough info for them to investigate. Between all of us, these are true SPAM disputes. I don't deny that. I was very careful, however, to dispute them for a different reason than ever before. I guess that is what kept me from getting the "previously investigated" letter.

    This is an example of what I sent:

    ABC Bank
    Acct #123-456-7890
    1. The credit limit is inaccurate.
    2. The terms are inaccurate.
    3. Reponsibility is incorrect.

    Terms and CL are listed as "N/A" on my report. Responsibility is listed as "joint" when it was actually mine alone. Are they requiring that I say in my dispute that the credit limit should be $2000, the terms should be $10/month, and the responsibility should be "individual"? If I do that haven't I accepted ownership of these two accounts forever?
  9. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Whomever said we shouldn't make too much out of CHOD (I think it was LKH) was correct. We should have forseen that the CRA's would devise some plan for dealing with the influx of disputes and deletions are not part of the plan. It never is with the CRA's. I think they will simply send the generic notices in answer to disputes during this time in an effort to cut down the load.
  10. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    None of the disputes I sent CRRR for me and hubby last week are in dispute:( Who knows what they are trying to pull.
  11. Vman

    Vman Well-Known Member

    My EQ is showing in dispute, TU and EX show nothing yet. Although both arrived a day or two after the EQ did...we shall see...
  12. klfs.org

    klfs.org Active Member

    Exp and Eq are running disputes late

    I have noticed that it has been taking about 1 to 2 weeks before the process starts. That is why it is important that you send letter certified. If it will ease your mind contact the CBR and ask what day they are working on for disputes.

    Good Luck
  13. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    I think I am going to send them a letter pointing out that in FCRA it doesn't say that that they only have to investigate it once, give them 15 days to comply and request procedural verification.

    What do you all think?
  14. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Try and submit them online. Use a different confirmation number from a different report.

    I would not jump to conclusions that this is the CRA's way to get off Holiday disputes.

    You don't get down off an elephant...you get down off a duck!

    -Peace, Dave
  15. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    wouldn't they have a case by saying "we replied, we felt like we didn't have to investigate" at that point it will become a very different case. Do they or do they not have a right to deny disputes based on the fact that it was previosly investigated
  16. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    They do not. As Lizardking said, only if they deem it to be frivolous, and they did not in this case.

    From the FCRA:
    (3) Determination that dispute is frivolous or irrelevant.

    (A) In general. Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a consumer reporting agency may terminate a reinvestigation of information disputed by a consumer under that paragraph if the agency reasonably determines that the dispute by the consumer is frivolous or irrelevant, including by reason of a failure by a consumer to provide sufficient information to investigate the disputed information.

    (B) Notice of determination. Upon making any determination in accordance with subparagraph (A) that a dispute is frivolous or irrelevant, a consumer reporting agency shall notify the consumer of such determination not later than 5 business days after making such determination, by mail or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by any other means available to the agency.

    (C) Contents of notice. A notice under subparagraph (B) shall include

    (i) the reasons for the determination under subparagraph (A); and

    (ii) identification of any information required to investigate the disputed information, which may consist of a standardized form describing the general nature of such information.

    -Peace, Dave
  17. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member

    I cannot believe the CRA's can get off this easily - they are once again twisting the word of law to suit them.

    I would love to see a serious class action suit evolve from this, and I want to be part of it!!!

  18. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    Here is the letter I am thinking of mailing to Experian tomorrow. Any suggestions?

    Dear Credit Bureau:

    Thank you very much for your letter dated November 26th in response to my request to verify information that is incorrectly being reported by you on my credit report.

    In your response you denied the investigation of wrong information based on the fact that this information has been previously verified. FCRA clearly states that a consumer has a right for complete and correct information to be reported in his/her credit file. It also states that a consumer has a right to request investigation of incorrect information with Credit Reporting Agencies. Nowhere in the Fair Credit Reporting Act does it state that a Credit Reporting Agency may deny such investigation based on the fact that they have previously performed the investigation and continue to report inaccurate and/or incomplete information.

    Therefore I request that you conduct full investigation as law allows me.

    For your benefit, and as a gesture of my goodwill, I will restate the relevant dispute:

    <account in dispute>â?¦ This account doesnâ??t belong to me and it has to be deleted from the credit file.

    You have until December 25th (30 day from the day you received the original request) to complete your investigation.

    This letter also is a formal request for the description of the procedures used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the disputed information, including the business name, address, and telephone number of any furnisher of information contacted in connection with this reinvestigation.
  19. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    I think thats a very good letter, it's short and to the point.

  20. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    The same thing is happening to me, nothing is showing in dispute! did you receive some green cards back?


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