Received credit report and want to clear up everything and start a clean slate. Only one account left unresolved with a balance due to a collection agency and we want to clear up immediately. What do you read below where you can advise improvement with FICO score or to clear our name. Please advise or suggest where to go for guidance. Acct. 1) Status paid/Collection account. Acct. 2) Status paid/Current. Acct. 3) Status paid/Collection acct. - BALANCE DUE from cc company that sold acct. to credit agency whom won't sent me any correspondence or statement. Will not return my calls. Acct. 4) Status NO STATUS Acct. 5) Paid in settlement - Acct. legally paid in full for less than full balance. ---------------------------------------------------------- Acct. #3 is the only remaining balance due and I am having difficulty with this collection company to settle. Just sent a certified letter with return receipt to the collection agency asking to settle immediately and close account - no reply for over a week now. ** What would you do to clear up the above situation in the best, positive manner. thanks
Daisy, have you read the first three posts? this will help you a lot! Have you read the FCRA/FDCPA? This is necessary if you want to repair your credit! I would dispute everything negative (even paid ca) with the cra's first and see what happens. Please read the abovve posts to get the basics on cra disputes. Some of these accounts may be deleted by this process.
don't worry about account 4 because no status means that it is not taken into account for scoring purposes (from what i understand) i would just do a simple not mine dispute of all the other ones, and do it quickly because CHOD is quickly coming to an end. you may also want to read the top three posts, they give invaluable information. good luck.
Daisey, Uniondiva & Crebre are correct, you should go ahead and dispute these accounts as not mine and see what happens. Try to do this as soon as possible. As for item number 4, is it a collection account? The reason I ask is that collection accounts on your CR are bad news period even if it's unrated. If it is a collection account then dispute it as well. It its a regular credit account then don't worry about it. Crebre's right, its not rated and it doesn't impact your score. Finally, do read the top three posts. Familiarize yourself with the FCRA. Good luck to you.