Yes, I am showing it a little these days<frowns>... Remember it? It's Kubrick, how can you forget! JohnM Did you know that Floridians are just New Yorkers with a tan ?
John Do you know how they came up with the name HAL? it is an interesting bit of trivia if you don't. I am not a New Yorker...never have been and refuse to even consider being that low...LOL I am from DC. First in War...first in Peace...Last in the American League. *********edit mode on********* I remember going to see 2001 at the Uptown theatre when it first came out. The light show was absolutely mindblowing (especially if you had partaken in some assistance...LOL). ********edit mode off********* fla-tan
HEY! As one of the 5 native Floridians, I take offense to that! ;-) LOL, I like it, though, for all the transplants in South Florida.
Nana's a hint as to who invented white-out... Here come the singing now fla-tan
hehehe, Fla-tan, it's like the only trivia question I know the answer sad is that? mind is really with the program today!
Nana Actually it isn't sad, that just shows that you have a life. I feel sorry for those that have such shallow lives that they either over-react to perceived critisism or have to become things like trivia-nuts. If course being obsessed with something like the AVs would tend to reverse all those positives I just said about may mean that you don't have one afterall...LOL fla-tan
It's a world of laughter, a world of tears, a world a Avs, and a world of the others not worth mentioning....
... it's really too bad the new mod doesn't respond to the attention. Obviously he either 1. doesn't read the board 2. doesnt' bother replying to the msg either way, seems like there won't be too much attention or effort given..
NanaC<--one dedicated AVS fan! ~I STRONGLY sugget everyone be nice to me. Why, you ask? First, my Avs lost last night and second, I have to go back to 166 7th graders tomorrow. Don't mess with the Nana today!~> I think they are working on a cure for your condition Nana. There is no cure for 166 7th graders though. For them you have my sympathy. fla-tan
When Kubrick was making 2001 A Space Odessy, he approacher IBM and asked to use their name in the movie and IBM declined. So what Kubrick did was change it by one letter towards the front of the alphabet. The I became H...the B became A...and the M became L. fla-tan