Experian denied inv. what's next?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by zhenya, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    the letter is out. we'll see how they respond
  2. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Is the general consensus that this is happening to cut down on the CHOD onslaught? I wasn't surprised at my "previously investigated" letter. I am surprised that so many of us have nothing in dispute. I don't think the investigations are missing or that they haven't been started. I just think most of you haven't received your letter from EXP yet stating what their excuse is for disregarding your dispute. It is coming......
  3. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    Lisa, I agree with you. so the question is 'what do we do after we get their excuse letter' give up thinking CHOD didn't work for us ot try to fight back.
  4. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    This tactic has been going on long before CHOD. I just think they're being pains in the behind. I have really come to despise EX...they have to be the worst.
  5. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Add me to that list of those that despise the Evil Experian. EXP received (recieved??...never remember) my dispute 11/27. My EXP profile shows NOTHING yet.

    I was really counting on CHOD, but it is starting to look like EXP has managed to thwart my Christmas dreams.
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had a problem with EX on disputes from faxes? I kinda figured that they may try and ignore a faxed dispute. Not that it legally matters. Charlie
  7. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I resubmitted my CHOD dispute #1 with more specific details as EXP requested. Instead of CRRR, I faxed it to the 800 # I got yesterday from this board. It went through fine. Of course there is nothing in dispute yet.

    I still think there is a bigger battle looming ahead. Even if they do put some of the items in dispute eventually. We are all going to have to fight each CRA to the death to have the dispute's start date be the date it was received and not the date they got around to putting it in the system. For me, this is a difference of 10 days. That is HUGE at this time of year!
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    LisaMc, What 800 # do you have? I have 2, but on one it rang at least 10 times and no answer. I tried it again and it picked up 1st ring. TIA Charlie
  9. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Charlie I used 800-301-7196 with no problems at all.
    I posted yesterday and asked for a current fax #. I believe Javan supplied this one. Everyone else on the thread seemed to think this was common knowledge. Not to me! I have been under the impression for at least 6 months that faxing to EXP was not an option.
  10. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Too much verbiage in my opinion.. these CSR's aren't very smart and the shorter and more concise straight to the point, the better. That has been my experience and my two cents.. =)
  11. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    Spoke to EXP a few minutes ago. I asked Sherri
    why my mail in disputes weren't showing on CW.
    I told her that out of "many" disputes only 2 were showing "under investigation"
    SHe checked my file and said that there were "other"
    disputes on my record besides the ones I told her about but that she didin't know how they showed up on the internet. She would not elaborate on how many and what tradelines. she also didn't flat out say they were also "under investigation.She was pretty cagey.
  12. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    As of this afternoon, I have received 1 Tu for hubby and 1 Equifax for hubby. NOTHING from EXP for either of us:(

    I am waiting for the refusal to inv. letter. These are all accounts previously verified by Exp over the past several months.
  13. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    I just got today's mail and received NOTHING from any of the credit bureaus. As I mentioned in earlier posts this is what I have so far:

    11/27 - received green back from experian
    11/30 - received green back from TransUnion
    As of this date have not received anything from Equifax.

    So far nothing has shown up as disputed but I have not received any REFUSAL TO INVESTIGATE letters either.

    Am I correct in assuming experian now HAS TO continue the dispute process because it's been 7 day's since they received my disputes and no notification?

  14. zhenya

    zhenya Well-Known Member

    Sal, did you check at www.usps.gov that Equifax received your letters?

    Equifax shows my items in dispute as of yesterday. TU doesn't show anything yet, and I haven't recieved any letters from them.
  15. sal826

    sal826 Well-Known Member


    No, I haven't checked the post office website yet.

    Guess what though? I just now pulled my Equifax, and a few of my disputes are now showing.

  16. catleg

    catleg Well-Known Member

    It seems that for online disputes, you can keep investigating as long as the result is Updated.
    If the result is Remains, they won't let you dispute anymore without mailing them stuff.
    I have 2 tl's with "investigated..remains" on them.
    Guess I'll have to pursue the OC's now.
  17. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Next thing that will happen... no one will be able to get into Credit Expert for a full month... like me :(
  18. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    This is why I called! I had a feeling... I would have to put up a fight... and I did! I had a VERY HOT conversation with one of the reps. None the less.... she started my dispute and my husbands.

    I just felt that they would do something like this!
  19. MrTexas

    MrTexas Well-Known Member

    Yeah... good letter. I wish I was as level-headed whan I typed mine, oh well it's out now!!
  20. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    Updated? could you elaborate on that? One of the items I disputed last month came back "updated", but it was pretty much the same as when I disputed it..the 30 days late was still there. So what does "updated" mean in this context?

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