CW alert, but no change

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I disputed the DOLA on a EQX TL, such that it should be due to expire next month. Today, I get an alert from Credit Watch concerning the tradeline. When I checked New info vs. Previous info, there was no change on anything nor was there a "consumer disputes- re-investigation in progress" notice in the comment section. What gives? Anyone have this happen? Of course, my affiliate no longer takes phone calls, so I can't call and ask...
  2. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    what do you mean they dont take phone calls? arent they required to have a 1800 number? also did you check the under the notifications section should look something like:
    Detail as of 12/02/2002 Tradelines
    Detail as of 11/29/2002 Tradelines
    Detail as of 11/22/2002 Tradelines
    Archive as of December 5, 2002

    if you click on detail it will take you to an account screen with the changed info highlighted in grey.
  3. MEMBER5

    MEMBER5 Well-Known Member

    I received a CW e-mail alert yesterday but when I signed in there weren't any new notifications for me to view. I pulled a report and there was no change either. I thought it was kind of strange.
  4. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    You could have had the change the day before. It seems that by the time I get the alert, I have previously viewed the change the day before. The credit alerts are within 24hrs of any change. HTH.
  5. t_sims224

    t_sims224 Well-Known Member

    I had the same issues with the alert but no change. I got the alert today. But nothing new. Now i did have something new on Monday. But damn i know this is not the alert i was uppose to get monday.
  6. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    I disputed 3 items on-line at the same time. The alerts came spread out over 7 days - one 2 days after my report reflected the change. 2 days before the last alert, they mailed out a single report that showed all 3 dispute results. Not all the results on the written report were consistent with the alerts.

    Something else I noticed - if others could confirm - it seems CW only alerts on verifications & updates but not when something is deleted.
  7. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    1) Yes, I call the 1800 number on my credit file but they only give details for addresses to send disputes/requests for credit files. They do not give you any option to speak to an operator.
    2) Yes, there is a "Detail as of 12/05/2002 Tradelines" alert, but when I look at the detail, nothing is in grey at all. I clicked on the creditor, so that I can see all the info... again, nothing is different between "New Info" and "Previous Info" and there is no "consumer disputes" notation at all.
  8. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Do you think the change could be in the "hidden information", for example... the date of first delinquency changed rather than the date of last activity? This is the only thing I can come up with... however, I was under the impression that EQ used the DOLA as the date of first delinquency... any thoughts?
  9. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    Ok, guys, I think you are missing something. When you get the CW alert. You need to log on to and scroll down to notifications and click on the link with the date that corresponds with you cw alert email. That is where you can find out what was changed on your report. There is no need to pull your report to search.
  10. shaolin76

    shaolin76 Well-Known Member

    lmao hey kit you calling csc in el paso? I have called them a few times but always like at 1 or 2 am when im at work... I always assumed that they didnt route me to vmail or person because the time that I call them...
  11. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    For my last alert, the date that most closely corresponds was from 2 days before and corresponded with another alert - although best I can tell, 2 changes did happen at the same time.
  12. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I AM CHECKING THE NOTIFICATIONS... when I click on "DETAIL 12/05/2002 Tradelines", it displays the NEW INFO VS. PREVIOUS INFO, and changes are highlighted in grey... BUT ON THIS SPECIFIC NOTIFICATION THERE ARE NO CHANGES, NOTHING HIGHLIGHTED IN GREY. So I check my report, and there any changes to the tradeline on my report... see the problem?
  13. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Oh this is a big no no!!!! Wasn't it Experian who got nailed by the FTC a few years ago for not providing a toll free number and/or not having enough operators so a consumer could reach someone? This would definately be something to look into.

  14. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Yep, thats the oufit. I used to be able to get through to an operator, but now they have completely removed that option.
  15. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    oops. Okay, I understand now. I would say call, but I see from your other posts that it's not an option for you right now.
  16. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I finally found a number to contact them... apparently, they did not put the tradeline in dispute at all. I got into a heated discussion with this lady. I told her I was upset b/c I sent proof that the tradeline was wrong, but they did not place it under investigation. According to her, they do not care what I send them... she even went so far as to say that most of the time they disgard any extra information sent to them. She said, no matter what I send, they rely solely on the response from the creditor... So for those of you who wonder if they ever look at the evidence you send them... APPARENTLY THEY DON'T !
  17. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    oops. disgard = discard... I tend to mispell when I get angry...

    I gotta get ready to get on my plane...hoping everyone else is getting their CHODs-on... see you guys this weekend :)
  18. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    EQ "verified" a "not mine" judgment dipute as
    "satisfied". I spoke to them that I had proof that the judgment was vacated(when a judgment is vacated there is no judgment) I faxed them the proof and they deleted a week later.

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