Lawsuit 4 Xmas!! Help...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by goldnmist, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. goldnmist

    goldnmist Active Member

    To all/any,

    Just received a Summons & Complaint from a CA, the day before Thanksgiving. The debt is from a charged-off store card w/ a DOLA of 10/1996. (The SOL here in Mich. is 6yrs)
    I haven't been able (yet) to find a lawyer to handle this. But, I'm still looking. In the meantime, I've done some research and prepared my (1) Notice of Appearance, and (2) Answer. I must file these tomorrow before my 21 days expires.
    So far, I've managed to get copies of my EQU and TU CRs. Both show the original creditor DOLA as 10/1996. Asset Acceptance Corp "purchased" the debt sometime later.
    Now, it's my understanding-thanks creditnetters for your info- that the "original" DOLA is the only date I need be concerned with for the SOL defense in my Answer. There has been no other activity, by me, on this account.
    Again, thanks.

    EQU 568 11/02
    TU 578 10/02, 563 11/02
    EXP 499 10/02
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    The only date you need to worry about as far as sol is the first date a payment was delinquent and the account was not subsequently caught up. If you made your last payment on September 1, 1996 and a payment was due, but was not made on October 1, 1996 and you never brought the account current after that time, then the date of the original delinquency would be October 1, 1996 and this is the date you would use in your answer.

    There is some debate about this since the new FCRA didn't go into effect until 1997, but there you have it.

    Good luck!

  3. goldnmist

    goldnmist Active Member


    Thanks. That's what I thought.
    Now, all I want for Xmas is a dismissal!!
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Whoops...yup...there is If they filed before sol then you might be sol.

  5. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    Sorry whyspers but I believe the controversy involves how long the CRA's can show an item. The SOL's are codified in individual states' laws and do not depend on the FCRA.

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    :::sigh::: and you are correct as well. Geez...I always get them mixed up. Sorry for the misinformation!

    L <--- going back to lurk mode until I get some rest
  7. chmod444

    chmod444 Well-Known Member

    I know that it was established that this was not an FCRA issue, but just as a clarification, the seven-year clock on a chargeoff runs from 180 days after the DOLA, not the DOLA itself. So, an account that you last paid in, say, jan 1998, would have a fall off no later than july 2005.
  8. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    If this was a store account,and not a charge account card that could be used outside the store, it is covered under Mich. UCC statutes for a 4 year, not a 6 year SOL. The statute is posted on my website under Michigan, and if you check the various links to State SOL's you will see that "sales" are listed as having a 4 year SOL.
  9. cable666

    cable666 Well-Known Member

    >I know that it was established that this was not an >FCRA issue, but just as a clarification, the seven->year clock on a chargeoff runs from 180 days after >the DOLA, not the DOLA itself.

    No. The FCRA 7 year reporting clock starts 180 days from the action that led to the delinquency, not the DOLA! In otherwords, from when you missed your scheduled payment and failed to catch it up.

    The DOLA can be updated from partial payments, account sold to CA, etc. These actions can not reset the 7 year reporting clock.

    The SOL clock starts from the time the harm was inflicted from which the lawsuit is based. In the cases of delinquent credit cards debts, from the time you missed your payment and this broke the credit contract.

    This is why often paying an old account can cause more harm than good. It could reage the SOL clock depending on the rules for the court.
  10. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    In most States the "cause of action" that starts the clock running (accrual) for SOL IS the 1st late month prior to chargeoff,(same as for CRA reports), however, in MANY States it starts from the last charge or payment on an active account,which in most cases is a month before the first date of delinquency.

    If you continue to pay late charges and over limit fees,or charge on the account, you may, in THOSE States have a SOL starting AFTER the 1st month of delinquency.

    Contrary to what the CA's and some people may tell you, paying on an account to the CA's will not of itself restart or reage the SOL for filing a lawsuit.

    In order to have the SOL extended, (waived) you must actually enter into a written contract signed by the CA and the debtor with the State specific language waiving your rights.

    Some States even spell out the exact wording, and the type size.Other States do not permit ANY contract change or waiving of rights for personal debts even with a written contract.

    My website has a link under misc. legal stuff to State Contract Change Statutes.
  11. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Is there any specific authority in any state for the proposition that an SOL can begin to toll prior to the arising of a cause of action? I would be very surprised.

    If the SOL can begin to toll on the "last payment" as you suggest above, then that is hypothetically prior to the time that a cause of action arose.

    I am a student here, and would be interested in seeing such a statute or case holding. :)
  12. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Bout damn time we started talking about complex issues again. lol

    To state that the obsolescence period begins 180 days after the date of the first delinquency is sort of a misnomer.

    If this were the case we would have gone from the 7 year obsolescence period to the 7.5 year obsolescence period.

    That's not what happened with the CCRR.

    Some OC's used to wait say ... 2 years after the delinquency to charge the account off. Then report the CO date as the DLA.

    The CCRR says this date must be within (or no later than) 180 days, not that it starts AT the 180th day.

    Here's the Congressional Testimony of when they argued the rationale behind it;

    "The Committee bill specifies that the seven-year period with respect to information concerning a delinquent account charged to profit and loss . . . may begin no more than 180 days after the commencement of the delinquency immediately preceding the ... action. S. Rept. 104-185, 104th Cong., 1st Sess. 39-40 (emphasis added).
  13. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member


    I hope that CCRR is in the glossary!! LOL ;)
  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    Consumer Credit Reporting Reform [act].
  15. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Butch..I posted in the Glossary thread that we need to add that one. I suspected that it had something to do with the revised FCRA. :) thanks
  16. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    If you go to my website, and click on some of the States whose SOL statutes I have listed, particularly Va. I have posted the statute that specifically lists the start of SOL as being the last payment or charge on the account.
  17. goldnmist

    goldnmist Active Member

    Why Chat,

    I had forgotten about that difference. The card was a 'store card only'.
    Also, they filed 11-2-02, the DOLA date is 10/96. So, I believe I'm covered at the 4 and 6 year level.
    (Thanks everyone. Needless to say this put a dark cloud over the holidays. I just began repairing and rebuilding my credit about a year ago.)
  18. The Kid

    The Kid Well-Known Member

    Interesting, yep..the SOL does accrue in VA. as you stated. WOW, learn something new every day! Thanks for that! :)
  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yikes!! You quoted him!! I know he's been posting his smart-aleck know-it-all (but incorrect) stuff all over the board, but since I put him on ignore, I only see it when someone quotes him. ;)

  20. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    LOL ! I have someone on "ignore" and wish I could ignore all the quotes from his boring mistaken and overwhelmingly frequent posts!!

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