Ramifications of "not mine"?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by whyspers, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I've often wondered if there are any ramifications for disputing something as "not mine", when in fact it is yours and is being reported accurately.

    Case in point...my dh filed for Ch. 7. On EX it is correctly reporting in all aspects. If he were to dispute as "not mine", could there be ramifications? In a situation like this, there are no inaccuracies to point to and say oh...it isn't mine because this isn't true.

    Just some ponderings...

  2. badrep

    badrep Well-Known Member

    Has never hurt me before. In fact I think its a good place to start. You can get to specific inaccuracies in further disputes if the "not mine" doesn't go anywhere.

    I think whatever the CRA is going to do to verify the entry is the same regardless of how you dispute it.
  3. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member


    Now are you talking from a moral and philosphical standpoint or are you talking from a legal standpoint? If you are talking legal, I don't think that there are any great ramifications. However, if you are talking morally, then you would have to make a personal decision as to whether or not dishonesty to repair credit is wrong. Only you and DH can make a personal decision like that. I am not perfect so I don't have the right to cast the first stone as it were. One thing I have noticed in your posts though is a sense of integrity. So I feel comfortable that you will make the right decision.

  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I had this conversation with a TU rep.

    She said: Since I disputed it as not mine, all the CR had to do was respond that it was mine and that they (TU) wouldn't verify any of the dates or amounts.

    Since I was really after getting a date fixed, she said I should have disputed it as incorrect and they would verify the information pertaining to the tradeline.

    What I've done in the past is start with not mine for the first and second dispute and then move on to something like "never late" for the rest.

    My thought on the matter is that if I was ever called on it, I would say I couldn't recall ever having that account.
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'm talking from a legal standpoint...lol. With the credit system as corrupt as it is, I don't have any moral issues with disputing as not mine. There has to be a balance somewhere.

    Thanks for all your responses.

  6. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I agree with you Whyspers...with the credit system the way that it is (punishing for years on end), I don't have any moral guilt. Convicted criminals get more lenient sentences.

    Legally, you are good to go with Not mine. I've never had to defend myself, but I've always thought that I could say I never recalled it. Now, that is just with a debt. I bk I think I would remember. lol. But, you should at least try.
  7. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Moral issues are kind of an individual thing anyway. Some people may feel that its wrong and do it anyways. Some people may not do it at all because of a moral issue. But the bottom line is how can they legally prove that you didn't recall that specific account?

    Oh, you proved it's mine, I'm sorry, I didn't recall it. Now that I know its mine, I'm disputing it as inaccurate.
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    On most accounts, if not too recent, I agree with you, but in the case of a bankruptcy...lmao...that's something that's kinda hard to forget. I somehow don't think a judge would buy "oh geez...now I remember I filed for bankruptcy a couple of years ago. <smacking forehead>".

    I don't hold out much hope for it as a long time ago I disputed them as incorrect and some of the accounts as included in bankruptcy and not charge offs. If they go back about six to nine months or so, and look at the previous investigation, I pretty much verified it for them. I'm hoping anyway...lol.

  9. ryder

    ryder Well-Known Member

    I was pre-qualifying this poor guy to buy a home... I pull his credit and there is a foreclosure on all three bureaus from just two years prior. I say to him, "Mr. Xxxxx, do you know that you had a foreclusure two years ago?" "I did?", he says, "really?" as if he completely forgot all about it. Funny.
  10. PAE

    PAE Well-Known Member

    I really don't think the CRA is going to waste time trying to prosecute you for lying because you can easily think up an excuse for "forgeting" even a bk (I thought it wasn't mine because I didn't know that the bk court sent that stuff to the credit agencies" (in a stupid sounding whiney 'dumb consumer' voice)...

    ~but I would never lie like that~
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I did a "NOT MINE" on an account that I "REFUSED"...they gave me $500 when the "LEAST" I had was $5,000!!!

    NEVER USED IT...NEVER ACTIVATED IT...it was from like 4 or 5 years ago...

    It was REMOVED...
  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I get that a lot doing the car insurance too, LOL. Some of them have so much stuff, I guess they really try to forget it all.


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