I'm about to sue about 5 CA's and I'm not worried about the law portion of things as I know it backwards and forwards. I need help with completing the complains and summons *don't laugh*. Should you attach your evidence to the complaint and summons ? The whole point is once I send a copy of the complaint and summons to the defendant, they will shit their pants with the overwhelming evidence and just settle and do as I ask. ISn't the evidence portion for the judge though ? Is it improper to let the defendant see your evidence before the case is heard. Creditnet needs a legal baord to help us first timers in defending ourselves and preparations. LizardKing, PsychDoc, and Marie you gusy always post about your cases so please help the rest of us out in these phases of the lawsuits. My hope is this won't even get to court and they will just settle. One firm I'm suing is a firm you ALL hate.
are you suing in small claims or federal court. as a rule I would not attach my evidence to the complaint. this gives the defendant time to prepare a possible defense and they have all of your duckies. I would consider sending a settlement offer with my lawsuit complaint or under seperate cover ( depending on your courts rules), even though you want them to settle, they may not, so you do not want to present your evidence to them in case you actually have to go to court. I would not list all my violations if filing in small claims but might be more detailed if filing in federal court. check www.proselitigant.net this is whyspers site and it helped me when i sued a cra. there is a link for christine's site www.creditcourt.com which is associated with bayhouse. I hope this helps.