Still haven't heard anything and it's been 3 whole days..sigh..ahahahahhaah..j/k...I know that's too soon! Just wanted to bump this up and whine about my virus that I have. BTW, this is a blantant plea for sympathy as I got this without even going near a cruise ship)
Hey, I have a question. For those of you that waited like I am, did you watch online and see if they transferred? Did you see this happen first then get approval?
One rep told me it takes up to 3 weeks to combine...but I think I will go the route of asking to cancel two cards and hopefully retention will "rescue" me. There was a recent post about a creditnetter who said they wanted to cancel and retention gave them a nice limit increase and combined the cards.
So, back to my question here, George. Did you see the transfer online first or how did you know it had happened for sure? thanks
I combined four cards with Cap One on the phone with Mr. Cooke. He told me it would be done, but would take several days. I think it was about a week or so before it showed up online. L
No...I also had a KMart card and Mr. Cooke said they cannot combine co-branded cards. I had a TON of Cap One cards and if you combine those with the ones I'm AU on of my husband' credit report looks like a CapOne I was glad to get it down to one card (well two with the KMart card). I took the Platinum that had that 0% BT offer (its the dolphin sunset card) because it was so L