Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dogman, Dec 6, 2002.

  1. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Mr. Cooke, if you are reading this post, I hope you are smiling. AGAIN, Mr. Cooke at Cap One pushed the bar another several notches above other credit card companies.

    My Cap One Platinum MC Card is now a card with a
    $5900 credit limit. It is my highest limit card.

    I don't pay a fee; there is a 9.9% rate for cash and purchase - plat benefits. Cap One now has acknowledged me as an excellent PRIME customer.

    QUICK RECAP for some newbies:
    1- Cap One secured card was how this relationship began. They gave me a card after a Chap 13 due to illness. I sent in $99/got a $500 limit.

    The increases will be very conservative and the limits will be small for the first 24-36 months. BUT, don't be late, and don't go over the limit, and don't bounce a check.

    That $500 card got me a loan for a car, got me other cards, got me AMEX Green, all the while the limit was moving higher over time.


    I initially met Mr. Cooke by a rep not letting me combine cards a couple of years back. He helped, combined, and got a PLAT Card FEDEXed to me the HOUR after our conversation.

    I like him - and he has a hard job. I was a TELCO guy and I had to help everybody under tariff - even if they were wrong and irritable. He does those functions for the C1 Executive OFFices. He is in a powerful position - but must follow rules. The strong point to remember is Eugene can be flexible - more often - if a customer has been a good customer with payment habits. Also, length od time being a customer is part of the Cap One formula.

    He is the one who made the limit $5900 overnight - EST. I clicked open C1 when I got up and boom -
    superb quick service - directly from Mr. Cooke.


    The key to the relationship with Capital One is simple:

    1- pay on time
    2-don't go over the limit
    3-use the card.

    Eugene Cooke is fantastic, of course, but the real
    ADVANTAGE of doing business with Capital One

    The thing is, even if there had been $0 increase, I would still have remained a very satisfied customer.


    aarrfff - dogman
  2. chmod444

    chmod444 Well-Known Member

    What company wouldn't be accommodating to someone who uses their card and pays on time for 24-36 months? Congratulations, though, on such a great turnaround, especially after BK.

    If Cap One agrees to settle on my C/O for deletion, I might sing their praises, too. But for now, I'm no Cap One fan.
  3. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

  4. azur24

    azur24 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Dogman!

  5. chmod444

    chmod444 Well-Known Member

    OK, I stand corrected. BESIDES Providian (and Cross Counry).
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

  7. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    That was my experience with Providian - as you know Whyspers. I managed to get out with NEVER
    PAYING FOR PURCHASE credit plans - back in the high revenue days.

    BUT, they treat some people very well - it all depends.

    AMEX has been great, but won't let me change the color of my card LOL!

    AND you all are right - I have never made a late payment before my Chap 13 - when my credit lines were $140K. I have never made a late payment after the CH 13. I have no balances. My normal monthly utilized credit is about 3%-10% of available.
    The AMEX Card has been VERY HELPFUL on all large items.I never had to worry about any kind of credit limit restriction.

    Maybe things are turning around for the better - I am ready for it. BUT, living 100% healthy today with AIDS is something I never imagined would be even a possibility. That's a much bigger accomplishment, personally, to me, than getting my old credit rating back.

    I plan on being the first guy around to convert BACK to AIDS NEGATIVE. That's the real goal.
    With my new once a day drugs now, and improvements, I predict it will be POSSIBLE in some cases, to be NEGATIVE, by 2006.

    aarrooo - dogman
  8. damianlr

    damianlr Well-Known Member

    Re: NO Doubt! Cap One BEST SERVICE

    Good luck dogman!! Fingers crossed! :)
  9. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: NO Doubt! Cap One BEST SERVICE

    aarrfff - and my sense of humor may improve as well!

    arrf - dogman
  10. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    Can someone tell me how to reach Mr. Cooke?? I have had a couple of Cap one cards for over 2 years and I can't seem to get anything but 100.00 increases. Never been late..never been over the limit and I always pay more than min. amonut due!!
    Thanks in advance!
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ***Feedback Made Simple***
  12. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    I PFB'ed over a week ago and still no response... how long does it normally take for someone to respond from cap1?

  13. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    I bet a week because the stuff needs to be researched and reviewed first. But, it is resolved when the callback comes.

    Obviously, it might be quick for an increase, but take more days for combos, etc.

    Good luck - dogman
  14. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Hi Dogman....

    Congrats on your success w/Cap One. Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope that it will help a lot of newbies. To tell you the truth.... I don't have a Cap one card but I'm thinking of getting one just b/c of Mr.!

    I really enjoy reading your post! You really know how to make EVERYONE laugh! I hope that you take good care yourself! TONS of hugs and kisses!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: NO Doubt! Cap One BEST SERVICE


  16. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    arff and arrff :)
    THX MG - I bet you both are a fun couple!

    GEORGE - think AMEX will upgrade me to ANYTHING - er er er in a year with perfect credit?
    Probably not...

  17. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    Hi Dogman !! Congratulations on your success with Capital One. Check your email Dogman.
  18. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    TX jr!

    aarrff - dogman
  19. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Nice to hear good things are happening for you dogman!

    My experience with Mr. Cooke has been good also. He really is a nice guy, seems to help as much as he is able to.

    Take care dogman,

  20. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Dogman!!!!

    I am glad you are doing well health-wise.

    Now, if only Capital One offered a card with cash back........


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