36 Hards?! OUCH! Inquires will fall of in two years from the date they were placed, however bumpage started for at around 120 softs. It's been different for everyone though.
I just had 3 more hard inquiries come off today. Pulling your WK 15 times in one week might be a little excessive, though. I seem to have better results when I keep my soft inquiries at about 1 or 2 a day MAXIMUM. You're going to need about 30 to 45 soft inquiries in a row IMHO before you start to see bumpage. The only thing that's going to start bumpage is time and patience. Hawg Hanner
Heck,...I am wondering if I will eve bump again on Equifax. I had an inquiry from Oct. 11th that will not go anywhere. I got up to about 146 softs and ...bam!!!....went down to about 70 overnight, back up to about 136 or so...and nothing yet.
So they BAM'D you??? They have done that to some here...MY WIFE INCLUDED!!! (EVERY inquiry older than 07/02/02 GONE)
It works, I'm at 29 hard just check wk today. it works, it works, it works, i guest it updated today.
I do not know. ex i just have 3 hards, eq 2hards & 29 hard on tu i guest my magic # is 15 a week on wk to get bumpage. Man I'm happy as hell
My EQ bumpage started at 94 and is staying consistant at 94 after 3 weeks... 4 Hards left to go... Seems the number varries just like FICO... Go fig... TU - 435 EQ - 452 EX - 535
Personally, I think the Equifax bumpage trick is dead. Is there any evidence of hards being removed in recent weeks? The WK method is still working (I lost 3 more hard inquiries yesterday). Hawg Hanner
I finally got some TU bumpage today. 2 hards gone between yesterday and today, leaving me with 5 hards. At least I can some bumpage with TU as my own trick with Equifax is history since they keep deleting softs every time I get enough inq's to restart bumpage.
Has anyone had any success with pulling from WK like 50 times a day? I am in a little bit of rush! Cindy
It takes time, i felt that way also i had 36 now 29 it works just pull two a day & u will see your hards go down.