Has anyone dealt with them before? Were you successful with a charge off not being verified? Any info on them would be great.
My Wife has a listing for CC bank. After a few months of disputing and having applied card system verify the account Im going to be sending a validation letter in the next day or two. Like the previous poster asked am I looking at a tough fight here or will they delete fairly easy? The account is from 1999 and the SOL is only 3 years here in SC so I dont have to worry about a lawsuit from them.
Just a quick word of warning...don't think that just because they don't provide proof of the account they don't have it. They provided statements from 1995-1996 of an account that had been assigned twice and ended up with them. On the other hand, if you get them on a couple of violations, they will delete the tradeline pretty fast after you file suit. Good luck! L
Whyspers, What about this....I've sent a request for validation and then the estoppel to CC Bank in March of this year for my husband. I never rec'd a response and to date I disputed the account through the CRA's and it's been verified each time. Is this a violation that applies only to CA's? Do I have grounds to file a lawsuit?? -LB
They don't have to validate...they are the original creditor. Watch for them to re-age the account, though. L