CA called me last week for the first time and I have NOT gotten anything in the mail with my miranda rights. Sound like a violation??
odessa: humblmarc is the Kid. He is trying to post as humblemarc, note the missing e. Javan is a contributing member and should not lose his access. There has to be someway to block this guy via his IP address. This is getting very old.
No problem, I put Javan back as soon as I figured out what was going on. The Kid/Stan was blocked by IP address, this is a new IP address. -odessa
Doesn't anybody else think that something is seriously wrong with this guy? I mean, I'm no doctor but this seems to border on psychotic. He is changing his IP addresses just to get on the board, a place where he is clearly NOT wanted, and he seems to have a REAL problem with those whom he terms "the so-called Vets." Now, I've been around long enough to know that this too shall pass, but anyone who spends their time trying to wreck havoc on a credit board and who seems to enjoy doing this as much as this guy does makes me think he needs serious help.
Unfortunately, Doc's schedule is full. I checked. The Kid aka stan aka whatever is doomed to continue in his insanity. He is one of the CA's that was defeated in court - they knew about creditnet, had brought copies of postings to court with them and tried to show them to the judge. They've been here before, with other user names.
And they will be here again. Nothing but NET. -Peace, Dave I agree Breeze, Doc needs to work 24x7x365... his schedule needs expanding.
Odessa...I kinda hesitate to suggest this, but perhaps stopping all new signups for a while would put an end to this? Guests can still read the forum and can sign up at a later date. Or if this message board has the option, change the settings to where you have to approve each new members. It would be more work, but if you had them reply to an email first, you could check the ip before approving. Just a thought...not sure how good of one though... L
I figured out how to get my number of replies to a higher number. Respond to every post with []. Perhaps I could log 205 posts per day. I know.......being tacky and that would result in my account being closed. Hey then I could have a violation and maybe more.....sign up under a new name and use a different computer! Hopefully this nonsense will stop soon.