Ok I had mediation this morning with carla blair. I heard it but I still cannot believe it. First she denied everything I said. She said I was making up the conversations with kira williams. Then she told me the reinserted info was in fact never deleted at all. The worst part is the inquiries. Experian state they have never disputed inquiries and---- Experian stated they have never allowed anyone to dispute inquiries online and I was making it up. She sat there in front of a mediator and lied. Can you believe this. How do I prove experian stopped taking inquiries about 8 months ago. We know they did but how to prove it?
You could ask some of the creditnetters who did dispute inqs if they wouldn't mind sending you a notarized statement, stating they disputed inqs online. Do you have any of the alerts and results pages from ceditexpert saved? If so, you could also print those out.
I thought about that. If anyone wants to help(and possibly affect all the CRAs stupid inquiriry laws) email me at picantel4343@hotmail.com
Hey, I just checked and I also have the results of an inq investigation from Exp. Let me know if you want this one also.
Ok I printed out 7 threads so far of people talking about disputing inquiries online. I can probably get alot more but each thread has tons of pages. Can I use this to show they are lying? Obviously now that they can read this online they will not use the we never disputed inquiries online but I care not. At least I can always get the mediator to say she was told they never disputed inquiries online. Once I find the experian results sheet showing my collection was previously deleted they are screwed. She also lied and told the mediator the tradeline was never deleted so therefore it could not have been reinserted. We recently moved so the sheet is somewhere in the house. I am still in disbelief she flew all the way from texas to ohio and lied. I expect arguements and changing the laws in their favor but I was not prepared for blatant lying.
I'm not sure the printouts from creditnet will work. I really think you need HARD proof that she is lying. This ticks me off so bad, I'd almost be willing to go to mediation with you and testify in person that she is lying. We are both in OH, why not?
just a small tidbit. Someone should still have the link that actually allowed you to dispute inq's via the web. I believe GEORGE had dibs on this method.
I also have have the papers straight from Experian that they had deleted like 4 of my hards and a butt load of softs.
Don't you have a copy of your EX report that showed the item deleted or a copy before the tradeline was reinserted? Charlie
I think I have a few as well. I'm visiting family back in New Hampshire at the moment - so I can't check right now. But I am SURE I've got a few and would be glad to help out this cause!! (see... I'm on vacation and am in the middle a Christmas party at our house - and I STILL have to take time out to read CreditNet!!!) Mommy2cats
I have the experian sheet somewhere that lists it as deleted I just have not found it yet. We moved recently and there are still alot of boxes around the house. When I find it though - game over. If you email me I will provide my personal fax to send over any notorized affidavits you may want to help out with. If you are near akron, oh my court date is jan 10th at 3. email me at picantel4343@hotmail.com for the fax number. thanks
She's busted!!!! I've got it all. She's busted!!! I have the dispute page and the dispute results page saved on my hard drive. I save EVERYTHING!!! I can print to PDF file and email, and I will let you have my damn hard drive if they want it. There's no mistaking what this is or that it came from Experian.
Re: She's busted!!!! I've got it all. that would be great. I expect her to argue case law and such. I never in a million years thought she would deny they even offered it at one time. I could tell the mediator thought I was making stuff up and harrassing experian. The mediator even asked her if she was going to counter sue. How biased is that? I spent more time arguing with the mediator than I did carla blair.
Re: She's busted!!!! I've got it all. I just sent you the pdf files. Take a look and see if that's enough ))))
Re: She's busted!!!! I've got it all. thanks I got it. Now where is george when you need him. If anyone has an actual screen shot of the inquiry dispute page that would really rock.
Mommy I think that this post would qualify for the creditnet addict thread as well..... LOL enjoy your vacation and the Christmas party. fla-tan
I have 1) credit report showing inquiry (not a duplicate inqury) and 2) summary showing deletion of inqury by EXP. I will FAX these to you along with a notorized letter first thing next week. Your gonna kick this lady's a**!
Pic, I've copies of disputed inquiries as well, all online, and would be happy to get them to you. Additionally, the FCRA says ANY information can be disputed, there are no exemptions. Shame on you, Carla Blair!!!!!! I'm thinking you should raise the lying issue as well, mediation didn't work -- you are proceeding to court? She wasn't mediating in good faith, flowery words for a liar. Credibility of Experian -- bzzzzzzzzzzzzz Mediation proceedings are documented in some manner, yes? I say, use that against her before everything else -- now, every word she says is subject to verification and weighing against the lack of good faith factor. Sassy