Need A Little Providian Help Gang

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Dec 16, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    On Providians web site, is there a list of criteria for being approved for the Smart card?

    Please link me if ya can.



    I'm going to be trying something. I applied and was denied. I called and asked why. My scores are 790's and reports are clean, but admittedly "skinny".

    The CSR told me I was denied for "too few TL's".

    Denial letter arrives today. The reasons are;

    1) Number of finance co. accounts. (There are NONE)

    2) Number of recent inquiries.
    (There were NONE)

    I'll be demanding inq. removal for a ... get this ... "FRIVOLOUS DENIAL".

    (Wish me luck)

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Or if you have anything is writing, on promotional material that you could fax me that would be helpful.

  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Butch, Why on earth would you want a Providian card? With a score close to 800 you should have no problem getting a decent card. A Target Visa is much better than them. Charlie
  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Well you're right Charlie. I was hasty. I applied for 4 cards and got 3 of em. $5,000-$8200 CL range.

    I believed at the time that their smart card was prime. SEE ... what ya get when you don't take your time.

    "With a score close to 800 you should have no problem getting a decent card."

    That's why I'm going for Friv. denial.

  5. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Which report is 790? Yahoo gives a high CL. Charlie
  6. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    Sorry about the denial Butch, but why PVN? IMO, this denial is a blessing in disguise. You can do better than PVN.

    I am glad to be done with them. I had a perfect record with Providian and used the card for automatic monthly charges of about $2700, pd. it off monthly to keep it active ( it was my oldest tradeline). They closed my account, notified me after the fact and sent my card to 'Card Services'. (my PVN acct. always had good ratios, never over, never late, my reports are clean, many established prime accts., etc., etc.) Card services jacked my rate on the CLOSED acct. to 29.99% without any notification/disclosures. Needless to say I pd. it off right away. Glad to be done with Providian. They are too unpredictable and not worth the hassle.

    I don't have the info. you're looking for but hope your claim of 'frivolous denial' works! Good luck and let us know.

  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx Jeff,

    I know you're absolutely right, and in a way yeah I'm glad not to have it. I don't NEED it anyway.

    My thoughts now are to deal with the inquiry.

    Since they're are scheduled to remain for 2 years I want that off.

    Also ... if we can pull this off we would ALL be helped.

  8. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    hey butch, how would removing an inquiry for YOU help ME?

    how about this: you pay off the $1000 i owe to amex at 29.99% interest and i will take the inquiry from you

    what u think about that idea?
  9. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


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