Business Cards/Credit

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by shport, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    Anyone have any ideas on the best way to establish credit for my business?

    Is it best to establish credit with companies personally prior to professionally? How is AMEX? Need a decent card with a decent limit.
  2. Mbey

    Mbey Member

    amex was easy for me

    applied and got the gold charge and the blue for business with EQ fico of 707 still showing one 6 year old charge off
  3. shport

    shport Well-Known Member

    What did AMEX pull? How long has your business been in existence?
  4. daveberk

    daveberk Well-Known Member

    You need to establish personal credit first. Any time you apply for a business card, they check your personal credit. Once the business card is approved, it will not appear in your personal credit report unless you default.

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