Has this happened to anyone else? It said "invalid request". I think the last one I got was 2 or 3 days ago. Charlie
I have the same problem. My discover card does TU AR every 3 months. I use it to free reports. It always used to work until last week. It now tells me i already ordered a report and i can use the password sent via email to access the account. I dont remember the username LOL. Guess it will work after the password expires(I think its 6 days)
this is what i get You have already received a free TransUnion credit report that may still be viewed online. Please log in to view your credit report. If you feel you are entitled to another free TransUnion credit report, please submit your request by mail. You may be asked to supply evidence to support your claim. You may still purchase your TransUnion Personal Credit Report & Score online.
I get the same thing. This is the 1st time though that it has happened, before the other day I could get a new report daily. Charlie
I spoke too soon maybe? I never saw it mentioned here anywhere that you could pull free reports from tranunion everyday as long as you have a recent hard on there, you could claim you were denied credit, and get a free one everyday. I discovered it by chance, and happened to mention it in a different thread out of my excitment. Just about a week later, TU changes their website, and now it's no longer possible. Only then do I now discover this trick has been known for a while! Just my luck *sigh*
If TU can fix that then they can notate an item that has been disputed. I plan on suing 1st thing in 2003. Then I won't have to check my CR all the time. That's my New Years resolution. Sue the CRA's and CA's. Charlie
I don't think the *trick* has gone away. Just wait 7 - 10 days from the last time you pulled, it should allow you to pull again.