Does anyone have any experiences with IC Systems being easier to delete after payoff.... or generating violations after payoff... I need to pay this account. It is only $85.00. I want to buy a house in three months and need to do some rapid repair so Fla-tan can make more money(smile). I just want to know if anyone has had any success with this or has some strategy on how to make it work.
They were extremely difficult. I was able to get them deleted on EQ and TU via dispute, but they would not budge on EXP. They kept verifying after 4 years of payoff. They would not budge. Finally I sent a validation AND a notarized affidavit from my spouse saying the account belonged to them (true). I was never NOTIFIED of the account, a $29 Vet bill. Well, after that they deleted. I would send validation, they were very stubborn. Good Luck!
I've sent those jackasses validation twice and an estoppel/intent to sue letter and all I have is "NO STATUS" or "Consumer Dispute" on my credit reports. I intend on suing them after returning from the holidays. I'll ask for advice then but I think I have them nailed. They've never written or called concerning my collection. I've disputed with the CRAs and they verified. Hate these people. Either provide the documentation of step up and remove. Don't assume that by ignoring me I'll go away.
That is what is going on with me.... I currently have "no status" on my reports. Since this is for a bounced check, and they have actually provided me with copy of the same, I figure i have very little wiggle room. I would be happy if it was deleted from two reports, since for the mortage they will take middle score. anything will be better than nothing! any other suggestions????
I paid by accord and satisfaction and a restrictive signature to the oc for an account held by I.C.. This was very recent but I do know it was deleted from exp. I am waiting to find out on other two cra's.
I paid off an OC once and they deleted all negative comments and changed to paid as agreed. I disputed the CA entry stating paid charge off, stating I never paid them anything, not mine, please delete so on so on. Tu sent back a new copy of report, ca still there, but reads wit a balance and no longer says paid charge off.. Go figure.
Uniondiva, this may not help you, but this is the letter I sent IC systems earlier this year. The OC called before this letter to have the CA removed from EXP and I also called, but IC Systems would not let it GO! Anyways, within about two weeks of this letter being sent, IC Systems mailed me a letter of deletion. Attached to this letter was a validation request. I. C. System, Inc. 444 E. Highway 96 P.O. Box 64639 St. Paul, MN 55164 Re: â?? Account Number XXX Collection Account for Animal Hospital, $29 The above is incorrectly on my credit report. Please note, that I NEVER PAID the â??allegedâ? outstanding $29 balance, but my boyfriend, XXX paid this $29 sometime in 1997 or 1998, please see affidavit. The outstanding charge, assuming it is correct, should have been billed to boyfriend XXX, as it was him who brought his cat into XX Animal Hospital in 1997, I prefer DOGS. I was NEVER NOTIFIED of an outstanding bill for XXX Animal Hospital, by either XXX Animal Hospital or IC systems. According to XXX Animal Hospital, I was billed (wrongfully) for this account at an address I was no longer residing, hence, I did not know about this â??alleged debt.â? Upon a visit in 1997 or 1998, XXX made another visit to the XXX Animal Hospital with HIS cat. XXX was made aware of his balance of $29 due and paid it, that is to say, XXX paid the balance for HIS cat, not me. Please delete this account from my credit report(s) and provide me with a letter of IC Systemâ??s agreement to remove this account from my report. If you are unwilling to delete this account from my report, please comply with the enclosed validation request. **Maybe the OC or IC Systems billed you at the wrong address???? Perhaps your significant other paid the debt for you without giving you the opportunity to respond to the validity of the debt??