Has anyone figured out what TU's list of creditors letter actually means? Is it a blow-off response to a procedural request? Or, does it mean that they are actually following the law and starting their investigation? I have read conflicting information on the board. Has anyone who received one of these letters actually called them to find out?
I got one today, didn't have time to call, but I had started a dispute that I did NOT ask for procedures in.
it seems that the letter says "we are going to investigate your dispute but should you need more info, here is the addys of your creditors" what i find funny is that there are diff addys for 2 of my citibank std loans.. who knows with tu they have 8 more days on my chod
notice the FCRA states specifically the procedure used and not the procedures used. I don't think TU can keep getting away with "we verified by phone, mail, or verification system." That is SO general. I wonder will a judge allow that as proof. It would be kool if you can get a letter from the creditor saying TU never contacted them which has happened a few times I bet.
I did a dispute the other day ONLINE and I got a nice little email immediately after saying they have received the investigation blah blah blah.