i gotz to get my New Yawk on! Leaving Friday, back Xmas eve. Just wanted to let all my girlz know - so you no worry anyhoo- WISHING YOU ALL HAPPY HAPPY MERRY MERRY. forget credit woes til new year - with higher utilizations i'm like sooooooo sure - WHATEVER!!!!!!! bye for now. Mark LA
HIYA Mark La, Please be careful, and make sure you don't add too much to the economy, becasue you don't wanna be in debt for the new year. ;-) (Now I sound like a mean 3rd grade teacher). Take care of yourself, be good, and remember you got us to come back to!!!!!
Make sure to stop by the new National Sex museum <weg> while you are there! (My boss did and said it was actually pretty interesting!). Oh..and stop by the Slaughtered Lamb and order a cheeseburger with chili and mustard only for me!!! Have fun! L