Worksheets etc to track easier

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by oz, Dec 21, 2002.

  1. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    I am stilll trying to figure out some basic time lines of this stuff.
    I want to make a tracking sheet to put on each folder so i can look at a glance at where I am at with each tradeline.
    And build an XLS spreadsheet to look at it all at a glance
    Anyone have some samples or want what I have/ will make up ???

  2. nvbonedoc

    nvbonedoc Well-Known Member

    Sounds great, let me know when you have it built and maybe you can share it with us.

    NV Bone Doc

    EQ 639
    TU 641
    EX 547 Faco
  3. oz

    oz Well-Known Member
    This is for Excel 2002
    This SHOULD work for the older versions
    Excell is part of the Microsoft Office suite and no it won't work in Works ( I dont think)
    If you don;t have office you can download a clone here
    it's about 58 meg download so if you are using a modem you are toast
    if you don't have winzip get it here Http://
    here is version one of the spreadsheet. I have set the dates at 40 days .
    So once you put in the date a letter was sent it adds 40 days to the next set of columns to remind you to harrass further (grin)
    My next goal is to link the calender sheet to the CRA and CA sheets so you see daily what stuff is due to be mailed etc.
    If you make any changes email the file back to me and I will upload the latest version.
    Klean_Kredit_version1ZZ ( put your intials where the ZZ is. This way I can keep track of the changes.
    Also note in column A what changes you made and why...
    Send me an email in a file zip it up to keep my mail box nice and small....


  4. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    It has already been done. Someone from CN, about 4 months ago, gave us several worksheets that I found decent and well thought out.

    Fact of it is tho, I have a seperate folder for each individual TL, X3, for each individual report.

    (Yes, I bought a seperate filing cabinet)

  5. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    I have a folder for each one but I want to put like cover sheet so when it gets miss filed (sigh)I can see at a glance at what is going on..
    The speadsheet is just a tracking mechanism thats all cause afte while I cna see me forgetting critical dates etc..
    If you have a copy of the work sheets let me know

  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    oz, Send me your email address, and I'll send you what I have. Charlie
  7. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    oz at call4tech com

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