CA Lawsuit/ caselaw?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by humblemarc, Dec 20, 2002.

  1. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Jeff, please check your email.
    I want your opinion on this idea.

  2. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Marc, which CA is it? Maybe I can help get you some ammo :)
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

  4. mtnair

    mtnair Well-Known Member

    I had a CA actually send me a copy of there Automated Recovery Systems Collection Assignment. It shows the date they received it for collections. It was for a medical bill, it had the following blanks: responible party's name, address, phone, spouse, patient date of birth, and SS#. It also had empoyment of responsible party with address, and phone. Name of bank, branch, account number. Spouse's employment, position, SS#, address, phone. Nearest relative's name and address. Debt based on: AR, contract, note, returned check, suit filed-no judgment, or judgment/case no. It also has a place for patient acct. ID, principle amount, interest, total due, date of last charge or purchase, date of last payment, date of last interest. Then Company name. address, phone and date. This was a collection on my DH CR and the CA was trying to prove that it didn't matter if I was the patient he was still responsible. What in fact it did prove was that they knowingly were reaging this account, because they did have the date of last charge, but were using the date they received.
  5. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    it's IC Systems! do you have any info. on them?
  6. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    "no status" Does not affect your score, but it is listed as a negative item on the CR. Charlie
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    baronthoms, Welcome to the board! It looks like you have some "snap", if you are or aren't a lawyer. The board always can use and abuse another legal mind. Charlie
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    humblemarc, I've had 3 or 4 times that IC Systems have had collections on either my report or a friends report. If they can't validate they will ususally send you a letter stating that they will delete. Have they verified with the CRA's?
  9. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    Isn't that where our friend humblmarc is from? Why not give him a call and ask him to delete it for old times sake!

  10. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    edited, I see you noticed the spelling to, sorry

  11. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    You keep editing after posting behind me - it's making me paranoid ;-)

  12. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    LOL sorry, just leave a dna sample and your fingerprint here please -----------> xxxxxx!

  13. zerodown

    zerodown Well-Known Member

    LOL sorry, just leave a dna sample and your fingerprint here please -----------> .@
  14. baronthoms

    baronthoms Member

    Re: humblemarc


    I can confidently say that there are NO Federal cases in the USA, or Colorado cases where a "no status" tradeline and the FCRA were involved.

    I thought about your situation and I think that if you do dispute the tradeline (you do, yes) and the CRA refuses to investigate (as they have), then it is a willful refusal to comply w/1681i. Don't you think? Just a straightforward refusal to investigate.

    In response to your question, I am not an attorney, no, I just like the law. I don't know any FDCPA or FCRA attys in CO. either.

    Have a happy holiday season, Cheers!

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