Can any of you guys help me with what scores are needed to get a unsecured Visa from the Bank of America. Any experiences would also be greatly appreciated. Thanks NV Bone Doc
My wifre got approved for one. $2500 line, 9.9% fixed, 0% BT for 6 months. She had a 657 TU score when they pulled her TU file. She also has 4 accounts on that file that in the past two years she paid 30 days late (before we got married, now no more of that!
I have a TU FICO of 698, applied yesterday and it denied due to high balances on cards. I did PFB and exp'd that I did not understand that because my cards don't report the balances(cap1) and please reconsider..never been late, no derogs etc, also stated I wanted to do balance trans, we'll see!!
Pulled TU for me in California. I have one paid collection and my scores are below. Got BofA Platinum VISA with $7500cl @ 9.9%.
I got 1000 sucky ass dollars from BOFA! i wanted to saw screw it and close the account. Now they sent me another offer for a limit up to 5 grand, but my current card is 2 months old, should I call them on it for an increase?
Mom got hers after almost everything had been deleted (positive, but old TLs) - Platinum, $5,000 CL. recently raised it to 6k. Not bad for 82 years old, and never used much credit. I think B of A likes people who are new to the credit game. They don't seem to $crew with you at all. No bogus offers, cash advance checks in the mail, etc.
I applied with a TU 640, no negs, just new accounts and high balance ratios. Was denied. E-mailed Robin (I think we can call her by her first name now, maybe even add her to the glossary.) Was approved for $5000. Anna
I did a PFB on Tuesday afternoon, should I wait a couple of days and then call? Or go ahead and call. I knew I would not get a response today. Is she the onyl one that answers the PFB requests??