Generations APPROVED ALSO!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by thickman66, Dec 30, 2002.

  1. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    umm, thanks. . i think.(what would my parent's think) :eek:

    good luck with the non-smoking.
    nicotine is just as addictive as heroine. . .so expect 3 weeks of hell. . . . :(

    at least in LA, you're not tempted at any of the bars or restaurants
  2. joe

    joe Well-Known Member


    No tizzy at all! I just bring the point up to help our newer members and even some of the folks still building or even still hitting "bumps" along the way. Gen. Bank's "ways" don't really help these folks. Sure, for you, me, people like George, Saar, the hidden line idea is our benefit! tHE OLD AMEX LOC was great for this reason. But, it just makes me wonder and appreciate how hard it is for the "regular" folks (non creditnet readers, hehe) to make it when it come to credit details... :)

  3. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    I am all in a Tizzy now! I personally love a good tizzy. Tizzy is a word that isn't used much anymore, glad to see it is creeping back into general vocabulary.

    On that note. I am applying for a Generations card myself after I type this. I just was making a point on how their policies cater to those who know how the industry works and how their product is advantageous if you move your debts right. But for those trying to establish something or rebuild, this bank will not help them build a good history. I have a couple thousand I would like to hide from the CRA and creditors right now. No problem paying it off, but not all at once. :)
  4. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    You should get an auto-email that your online application was received rather soon after applying.

    Then wait about 48-72 hours for the application to be manually reviewed, since ALL applications are manually reviewed.

    This is just an FYI, so people don't get freaked out if they don't hear immediately.
  5. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    good point Joe.
    If i was rebuilding my credit - I'd certainly want any positive line to appear on my report.
    However - in my case - Generations suited my needs.
  6. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    I rather favor the word tizzy and have done my utmost to use it as frequently as possible.

    BTW, I'm also kind of partial to dizzy, as in:

    "Oh, don't mind her, she's just a dizzy queen."


    P.S. This not smoking thing must be the motivation for my strange but whimsical posts
  7. joe

    joe Well-Known Member


    Exactly! I enjoy your input and your NY stories! Thanks!

  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I quit smoking September 15th 2002. If I can do it ANYONE can. BTW- All I told myself was "48 hours of no cigarettes and the chemical addiction is over" (can't remember where I read that. Oh and buy some straws, they're a great replacement.

    3 months 17 days later the smell of cigarettes is kind of nauseating.....Good Luck!
  9. Mark LA

    Mark LA Well-Known Member

    thanx for the encoragement Kellie :)
    I'm totally outta my wits - but i'm hangin in there
    we got licorice - red vines - but it gets kinda disgusting after a while --- i'm gonna go out and get some straws :)

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