The ca account that mysteriously appeared on Friday is now gone. D Richman responded to my email this morning, and said even though he is no longer in consumer relations, he checked and it is no longer on my report. I pulled my report and it is gone. But the question remains, how and why was this put back on? They are supposed to have protocols in place to prevent this type of thing from occurring.
Hey LKH, Congrats, I have a question for you? You have successfully sued TU, correct? The question I have for you, how long was it before TU responded to your lawsuit? Just curious, I sent them the lawsuit the same day I filed. (12-26-2002) bayrealty4
No. Everybody thinks that I sued them, and I almost did, but it became unnecessary. I did sue Experians local affiliate here, Credit Data Southwest. They responded just a day or 2 before the 20 day deadline for filing an answer. How many days does your state give a defendant to answer? Whatever # that is, you can figure a few days before the deadline you will hear something. I got my first notice from them in the mail as their answer to my complaint. I contacted the lawyer as CDS never forwarded him my offer to settle when they forwarded the lawsuit.
sounds like you are going to need to babysit the issue. sounds ridiculous..this crappy system is the one we have to rely on to get a home? a car? a job? damn. at least Don fixed it for you (or at least looked at it), hopefully you can get another contact since Don is no longer in that eventually he may not be capable of fixing the problem for you again, as it will probably appear again eventually.
Good to here it LKH! I went ahead and sent a letter to at TU. I gave them 10 days to respond to my procedural request or get sued. I initially sent it and it I got the letter stating my dispute was "frivilous". Well, I already received a message for me to call and discuss my file.
Hey LKH, I apologize, I honestly thought you did from the threads that I have read. My state gives them 30 days, I would tell you the state, but, we all know this board is being watched... I filed my lawsuit in District Court on the 26th Of Dec., my scheduled hearing is 01-23-03. I have them on 5 violations, and I also sent a settlment letter with the lawsuit. I had their registered agent served here in my state. bayrealty4k1
info that is removed from your file is archived somewhere within TU and that is why it pops back up on your reports. It happened to me on Friday, something derog was re-inserted on my report and today after I talked to them and fax some info they deleted it..or so they say. I have not been able to pull the report today.
That's interesting that it happened to you on Friday also. Makes me think they had some computer problems on Friday. But, be it internal problems or whatever, they are per the FCRA, to have protocols in place to prevent exactly what happened.
Hey, it could be some major screw ups, don't forget, me too, on the 1st or the 31st, can't remeber exactly what day it was. But they were quick to fix. And they could not tell me why this happened, they said my file was split but that does not explain where the reinsertions came from.
it I got the letter stating my dispute was "frivilous". Well, I already received a message for me to call christi523 ---------------------------- Well,let them see just how frivilous the suit is ! LB 59
lkh, did they ever respond to your dispute that you submitted on 11/27? i have still got no response from them. i know i am supposed to send a delete it now or get sued, but i don't know what to say. can you e-mail me?
I am in the middle of a lawsuit with them as well.. can you email me? Perhaps we can share some notes.
Bay- I will tell you I am in NH and when I filed my SC suit against a CA I never received their "response" I called the court a few months after I filed and they said they don't send them out unless their is a countersuit. I filed 1/02 and my court date wasn't until 11/19/02. I know you don't want to disclose your state, but that's how it is in New Hampshire.