It's obvious that Equifax will not list credit limits unless the creditor adds "Amount in high credit is actual credit limit," and adds the limit in the high credit coloum. I can't believe that Equifax is allowed to do this. By doing this my EQ Ratios on new cards will suck. I called Chevron today to see if they could help me out. I must say GREAT customer service. They transferred me to their "Credit Desk" and the guy was very helpful. After explaining to him how Equifax doesn't list the credit limit and that this hurts my ratios he was glad to help. I also explained how my chase card reported the limit in the high credit coloum and added that "Amount in h/c coloum is actual limit. While saying that he couldnt force equifax to report , or add the limit that he would try his best to do what Chase did for me. By adding that little notation. If he does this correctly , Equifax will update my report. Currently the chevron is reporting as high credit $36, balance $36. If the $600 limit is added into the h/c coloum it'll help my ratios tremendously. The rep said that he would try his best and thats all I ask for. Chevron has always been good when I Needed to call them, this just proves to me that they care about their customers. Just thought I would share ....
I thought it was just me. My ratios look horrible too. My "most owed" is $36 for one account and $12 for my other Chevron, when they are $300 and $400, boy that hurts especially since it's an EASY ratio helper for me, no Chevrons around here, it's my vacation card.
The sad thing is Equifax doesn't allow creditors to report the limit, they have to add in that notation if they want the limit to be reported. My limit reports just fine on Transunion and Experian.