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Question for truthhunltd--

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MandyB, Jan 9, 2003.

  1. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    truthunltd -
    I saw your post about the verified dates not changing if the company has not provided new information since the date listed on the report. I have had this experience myself w/ your company and I also read something posted here about the TU electronic updates and how they are noted on the report in a certain way. So I think that I understand what you're talking about --BUT--my question is --if someone requests verification of the information on a tradeline entry on his report and the company that holds the tradeline is contacted, shouldn't the verified date update because EVEN IF the information remains as reported, the company has essentially provided NEW information by saying that on such and such a date (the date they respond to the investigation) the information is correct. The company has provided NEW information on this date even if it's just a confirmation of previously reported information because they have been requested by the consumer to do so at that particular time. The report section here is VERIFIED not status as of...or something else to indicate when the status changed on the report.
    Anyway, I think that you can see how this distinction is confusing to the consumer and makes it unclear whether an item was investigated or not.
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I have some experience with that, also, Mandy. I have paid tax liens on my report that have an incorrect "date released," - I disputed them and the "date verified" changed to the current month (as of the verified date). My score tanked because apprently the scoring thingy reads it as a more recent negative than it did before. Aggravating, to say the least. They come off soon, thank goodness.
  3. MandyB

    MandyB Well-Known Member

    That's absolutely terrible. So I wonder if their "date verified" IS the status date? This all gets so confusing!
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I'm confused. I have exactly one account that has a verified date. Notice the status is still 6/2002. But not one of my other accts shows a verified and a status date both. I should add that this particular account was updated during CHOD, immediately changed to a negative, and I had to call a supervisor to get it changed back to a positive.

    Acnt#: 715Revolving Account
    Credit Card
    Verified date: 12/2002
    Balance: $0
    Individual Account

    Opened: 08/1996
    Most Owed: $1284
    Payment Terms: $0

    Paid Off: 11/2002
    Past Due: $0
    Credit Limit: $1200

    Status as of 06/2002: Paid or paying as agreed
  5. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    EQU has the same reporting problem. Example: Cap 1 agreed to change a 3 year old paid charge off to an R5. Takes them one year to fix, but now,seeing as it hadn't been updated since 99 my score TANKED cause it was now last updated 10/02. Score went from 684-625 nice huh? Here I was thinking it would help, no way.
  6. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    It's like they are punishing us for disputing items.
  7. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    <sound of nail being hit on the head>

    They seem to come up with more ways to "punish" us for disputing daily. If anyone could ever PROVE that consumers are being "punished" for asserting their legal rights, That'd be the end of the CRA's as we know them.


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