Too good to be true?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MrsC, Jan 12, 2003.

  1. MrsC

    MrsC Member

    Some time ago, I posted about my dealings with Universal Fidelity. They harrassed me shamelessly until I took advice from creditneters and sent a C&D letter and validation letters. I did not repsond to any of the letters. I got a call from the OC last week saying they had recieved a copy of the C&D letter from UF--and wanted to know why I had sent it. I explained why. She appologised to me and said that UF had closed out the account. She wanted to know if we could settle this--for the settlement amount that UF had offered (but refused to put in writting). She said that SHE would put it in writting. I'm waiting to recieve it.
    SO tell this something that commonly happens? OT offering to settle?
    Thanks in advance,
    Mrs. C
  2. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    The settlement amount that the ca gives you is what is authorized by the oc to begin with. So really the oc is actually getting MORE than what they would have b/c now they will not have to cut the ca a share. Yes it is normal.
  3. HDAlex

    HDAlex Well-Known Member

    Having the original creditor rather than a CA contact you can, in some circumstances, be a good thing if you have the money to settle and are inclined to do so. If the account is being reported to CRAs, you just might be able to negotiate payment for deletion (or at the very least a less adverse tradeline).

    Good luck!

  4. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but what if the CA failed to respond to a validation request, ceases collection efforts, then the OC resumes collection of the unvalidated debt?

    Seems like this is a FDCPA violation - continuing to collect on unvalidated debts. Who to sue, the OC, since the CA was their agent?

    (Once again, another grey area)


  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Except the OC isn't bound by the FDCPA and has no obligation per se to validate.

  6. kalinka

    kalinka Well-Known Member

    The OC can be treated as a CA if their collections
    department calls you and attempts to collect
    like a collection agency. Then you can ask them for validation also but if the debt is yours you're just forstalling the invevitable. Either they will sue you,
    get another CA after you or do nothing and leave the derog on your report for the remainder of the 7
    years after DOLA.

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