The final week

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Jan 2, 2003.

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  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Shocking, scary questions

    It is not a simple yes or no answer. This is how I feel about it.

    The law says that a consumer may request proof of an alleged debt or reporting of an acct. If, the person who is reporting can not verify or prove it, it should not be reported. Because, as we know, the law says all info reported must be accurate. If they have nothing to back it up with, or prove their allegations with, then it can not be reported. How is that for an answer.


    Let me rephrase my question. Why have you chosen me this time for your interoggation?

    I'd prefer that you cease with the 3rd degree.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: Shocking, scary questions


  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Shocking, scary questions


    GEORGE Well-Known Member



    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  6. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    The Bogie Man

    Casually clinical.

    I was looking more for something saltier, pithier, gritty: Something along the line of, "BTW - I don't blame you at all for doing what you did. I have done the same and I am not one bit ashamed of it." The human angle.
    You see, now there you go again. That's a harsh characterization if I've ever heard one. Nonetheless, I decided to participate in the discussion because it semed so fundamental. I like the basics.

    And, I'm familiar with what you write-- so I know your boundaries and capabilities.
    The third degree ( You see, you just keep doing that.

    It's just a discussion. But even if it was more than that, what's going on? Do you have some kind of Achille's heel? Don't worry about it; you're anonymous. If that screen name gets sullied, you can always get a new one and be reborn in the image you wish.

    On the other hand, I can't.
  7. darkdoj

    darkdoj Well-Known Member

    Re: The Bogie Man

    Geez do I miss a lot when I don't have time to read.....

    Seems to me that Mr. Fisher is very antagonistic. I'd say let him crawl back into the depths he came from. He is however correct, this is a public forum and we all know that they are watching. However, I believe that personally taking it upon yourself to and getting involved in someone elses matter without their consent is immoral to say the least. I have no reason to hate Mr. Fisher or anyone else here. However, I do believe that Mr. Fisher is attempting to amuse himself by attacking the credibility of others on this board. I do find his attempt at being intellectual to be stimulating, (if I can play an intellectual for just a moment). I too, after reading too much of Mr. Fisher's bantering and somewhat useless comments, will put him on ignore for the simple reason that I have no desire to hear him taunt others for his own amusement. I guess Mr. Fisher sees us as his own sience experiment. He seems to think that were all out to get real negative information off our reports. I do see that as a problem for some who do come here for help with that, but for others, they are being unfairly punished for something that is not theirs. I for one have gone both ways. I have had good true information deleted accidently, and have had bad true information deleted. But I have also had bad false information deleted. Hey Mr. Fisher, pick on me for a while. I could use the laugh.

    Just my 0.002 cents.

    Good day to you Mr. Fisher. and Congrats LKH.
  8. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Shocking, scary questions

  9. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Your affront to my honor will not go unanswered, Sir! Harumph! This discussion is only worth two one-thousandths of one percent?! Indeed!

    Isn't that just like the Internet? They say they want you to respond, then they leave. For half a century, man has wanted to talk back to his electronic box with pictures-- but now that he can, he doesn't like the box's response.

    On a related topic, is there a legend for the cutesy Internet shorthand? Are those flames from the frustrated?

    "Me, me, me, me... it's all about me."

    This isn't about your credit score; it's about mine, and how your actions affect it.
  10. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Finally some honesty.
  11. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships


    Congrats on the house. :)


  12. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Understandable. He (as we later learned) was no longer a moderator.

    But why you're STILL allowed here, is indeed beyond me.

  13. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    I have to say that I am enjoying reading this thread! I had a bit of a run in with Mr. Fisher a while back. After that, I was wondering if it was just me, but now I realize I am in very good company being part of the group that Mr. Fisher has ticked off!! Glad to know that there are others with me!!

  14. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Clarifications

    Exactly. If you don't get it, you don't get it. Why don't you drop it if you just don't understand?

    Regarding Saar's insistence that I be kicked off, here is another (unfulfilled) rant:

    There is a pattern.

    For the record, Saar's signature today is (in big black and red letters): "Greg Fisher is a [Troll]."

    LKH's signature today is (in black and red letters): "I agree with Saar Greg Fisher is a [Troll]."

    Gillian refers to this: After beating her head against a brick wall, she finally provided a signature (as I suggested).

    Those are just the facts.
  15. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Mr. Fisher;

    You operate several websites devoted to pointing out the random, inaccurate, unknown nature of FICO scoring. Even those who proclaim knowledge of the scoring model spout inconsistencies.

    Yet you are certain that OUR actions affect your score?

    There are roughly 5,000 members of creditnet. If 100% of them suddenly had sparkling credit reports, perfect in every way, that is less than .5% of the million+ reports stored by the CRA's. Even if credit scores were a "comparitive" affair, similar to a bell curve, what would the effect of 0.5% be on you?

    What is the real reason you are so concerned about this?

    Do you feel that one's payment history from 5,6,7 years ago is still an accurate predictor in today's fast-moving world?

    Do you agree that someone who has taken a year+ to "clean up" their credit file, and wanting to keep it clean, is now the best credit risk out there?

    Are you anywhere near as concerned with the credit providers "cheating" to keep scores low? And the effect of this on your score?

  16. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Re: Clarifications

    Actually it was (very much) fulfilled. I don't see Bill Bauer posting here anymore. Do you?
    Yes, there is. LKH and I are chasing Trolls on a regular basis.

  17. Gillian

    Gillian Well-Known Member

    Re: Clarifications

    "Gillian refers to this: After beating her head against a brick wall, she finally provided a signature (as I suggested)."

    Your "suggestion" was that I acted in some grand illegal way in obtaining my husband's report behind his back!! You jumped to conclusions and acted as though I was trying to scheme everyone. At the time, I was taken aback by it. I realize now, however, that is your MO.
  18. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    Please, take a number.

    No, my suggestion was that you send the signature. I said, "The clock will start when they have the signature" and "Here's this member's recommendation: Send the signature. It is reasonable."

    Please quote the "scheme" part. Your actions are anything but grand. Desperate is a better word for it.

    You said you weren't going to engage in a big argument about that. What happened?
    Do you take credit for the end of the Cold War, too?
    I refer to whining, stomping one's feet, pouting and leaving (and, of course, of course, returning) if one doesn't get his way.

    So, that's the way it is, eh? Name-calling, bringing up the actions you perceive as wrong over and over again in unrelated threads, talking about people behind their back in secret meeting rooms and flaunting it?

    What's your definition of a Troll [sic], and where is the evidence that I meet that definition?

    Here's one that you would meet:

    "An individual who chronically trolls in sense 1; regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion."
    No, I don't. I operate two. Let's not get started off on the wrong foot.
    Who said they aren't comparative? Have you seen the algorithm? Nobody knows the effect but Fair, Isaac. It could be nothing, it could be 500.
    Your score affects mine.
    Today's fast moving-world? What is this: 7th grade social studies?

    Yes. It takes a significant emotional event to change a personality. Wanting something real bad for a year won't change it.

    Besides, the system is based on statistics, so what I "feel" (or anybody else "feels") has nothing to do with it.

    If they've paid on time for a year, they'll get the corresponding amount of increase in their score.
    No. Indeed, if they got away with removing accurate negative information, their behavior was reinforced.
    No; I don't know that they are cheating. What is the proof?

    But, I am fighting to get all the information in your file released to you: See

    The thread, in terms of number of times viewed, is number 75-- with a bullet.
  19. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: Truth, reality

    Congrats on the new house LKH. Charlie
  20. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Symbiotic relationships

    So then I should have a lower score just so yours can be higher correct?!
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