Anyone else losing Equifax INQ's?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rfitzek, Jan 15, 2003.

  1. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    Been losing alot of inq's on my equifax report. I lost 3 hards and my wife lost all hards. I am down to 3. My wife's and mine were from November 2002. Yes, I have been pulling both our reports everyday, but normally we just lose old soft pulls. We both had 136 total inq on our reports yesterday, today I have 67 for EQ obiviously took some time to clean up my softs, but they also removed 3 recent hards from my mortgage application. My wife lost 6 total inq and her two hard from the mortgage app. She is now at 130 inq.
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Good grief, I'm up to 173 and never get a bump. Its so bad, I only pull when I absolutely have too. I'm terrified of a split file.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    I just lost my last inquiry 2 days ago from 10/18/02. I haven't even been pulling my EQ daily. True to EQ's scoring, I didn't get any point increase. On EX, I lost 13 points with only 1 inquiry. Charlie
  4. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    Yeah...I am one of those that it no longer works for. I have 160 and have not lost a hard in 3months. I believe mine has stopped.
  5. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Those schmucks at Equifax. Every time I get the inq's built up enough for bumpage, they delete 65 so I don't get it. It stopped for me months ago.
  6. rfitzek

    rfitzek Banned

    I thought it was done with also. I noticed EQ went through and removed all my own pulls (equifax consumer servies) and numerous PRM's when they cut my inq downs to 67. I found it odd though that they went through, I had 6 hard inqs from mortgage app. They didn't just drop them off the end, they took off the 2nd, 3rd and 6th inq from the mortgage app. Of course the one that I am trying to get rid of due to an improper double pull by the phone company is still there.
  7. the_witz

    the_witz Well-Known Member

    I havent tried for bumpage yet, but it seems most of the inquiries in California tend to end up on EQ. What services still allow you to pull EQ daily? It looks like Qspace and CreditExpert still allow unlimited pulls, but I have yet to sign up.
  8. rackt3

    rackt3 Well-Known Member

    I lost 2 hards on EFX a couple of days ago. Those hards were from December. I have only 3 hards to go.

    Does anyone know how long it takes to get TU bumpage.. I really need it now in light of Chase pulling 3 hards for a single credit card with a measly $5000 limit
  9. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    I don't want to start a new thread - but can someone please explain "bumpage" to me? I'm searching, but not finding an explanation.

  10. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    Aw. Found it...too late to edit post...

    Now, what is split-file??

    Mom-still disputing inquiries the old-fashioned
  11. SCMomof5

    SCMomof5 Well-Known Member

    I believe that Equifax has caught on to bumpage. I was successful months ago, but no longer. I had a NPP hard on mine in Sep. I tried pulling enough softs to get it deleted, but EQ deleted most of my softs when I got close to bumpage level.
  12. creditdog

    creditdog Well-Known Member

    lost 5 hards in the last 5 days????? I am at about 126 inquires??? seems to working fine???

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