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NOTE: Creditnet monitor

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by CCN steve, Jan 21, 2003.

  1. CCN steve

    CCN steve Moderator

    Creditnet monitor

    Hello, Creditnet:

    By way of introduction, my name is Steve, and I'm the new board monitor. I didn't want to use the "pbm" name ("primary board monitor") because of the many strong friendships the previous monitor established in that persona. Filling pbm's shoes just isn't likely to happen -- a review of his posts reveals his obvious intelligence, sensitivity, and just the right mix of hands-off and hands-on involvement. Although I didn't have an opportunity to work with pbm, I intend to review his prior posts closely because there's clearly no better teacher.

    I do understand that recent events were very significant, and feelings understandably run high. If you're new to the board, you can probably skip the rest of this post except the final paragraph because the context just won't be there for you. (Of course you're welcome to read it if you like!) However, if you've been around Creditnet for any length of time, I want to speak directly to you -- sitting at home or work at your computer, wondering if the community can ever be restored. I believe it can, but I do fully understand that I don't have the power to make that happen. A community is built by its citizenry at large, not by its security guards. Sure, I have a role to play, but I understand that my role is a minor one when juxtaposed against what you personally contribute.

    Let me begin with a few reassurances:

    First, I want to assure you that someone is indeed monitoring the "Alert" button. Ensuring the integrity of this board is my goal. Anytime you feel that someone has appeared out of the blue with the single purpose of disrupting the board's free flow of ideas, feel free to let me know.

    Second, I want to make a distinction between monitoring and moderating. A "moderated" board on the net has often meant that each message is essentially screened for appropriateness. That isn't going to happen here. This is a community of adults, and trust is an essential component. This board doesn't need a parent, nor does it need a moderator, nor does it need a censor. My plan is to reestablish Creditnet's longstanding policy -- which I understand predated pbm's tenure as monitor -- of fostering the uncensored free flow of ideas, even when the debate centers upon this board or even my own performance as monitor. Criticism, both positive and negative, is not only welcomed -- it's a desired and necessary component of any true community. Please know that I entered this role at approximately 2:15 p.m. Pacific time; I hope you will be able to see a positive difference in policy from that point forward.

    Third, some disagreement and even angst must be tolerated here without censorship. There will be times when one person or another will rub someone (or me, perhaps) completely wrong, but that's true of all groups whether it's the boardroom, the teacher's lounge, the late-night dorm chat, or the family dinner table. We must be willing to metabolize a certain amount of outright disagreement and disenchantment. Just know that I'm willing to step in when things get so rough that the board's purpose is tested (as with the appearance of an obvious CA disrupter or the like).

    Fourth, I've been made aware of a rumor making the rounds that Creditnet is considering charging admission to this board. The fact is that nothing along that line has been considered, nor does it seem like a good idea, nor is any such action like that planned or even on the table. It's not clear to me how this idea took life, but in any case it's not worth discussing further.

    Finally, and most importantly, I want our long-term members to know that we value and appreciate your vital participation. It is truly you who have made Creditnet Straight Talk the incredibly helpful resource that it is. Kudos and gratitude are extended to Marie, Lizardking, George, LKH, breeze, Saar, George, PsychDoc, NanaC, dogman, marci, KHM, Nave, whyspers, Momof3, MP$40, DaveLV, fla-tan, Pat and so many others! (Uh-oh, I'll definitely start off on the wrong foot by leaving out a vital participant, so pardon the error!) You are truly the lifeblood of this community from the standpoint of both knowledge and fellowship here. A heartfelt thank you. To those who cannot return, I respect and understand your decision. To those who will, the door will always be open.

    On that note, it is my pleasure to serve you, although my interventions here will be seldom. The focus is you and the important credit-related issues at hand.


    CCN steve
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome Steve,
    That was a great message and I am certain things will work out swimmingly. I appreciate your comments about filling PBM's shoes...that was very well put.

    I have been on somewhat of a computer vacation, as real world work has been too much lately, but I have been skimming through the posts now and then and it is GREAT to see this post from you. When my work slows I will most likely return to full activity rate.

    Once again welcome aboard and I look forward to OUR success with you as our monitor. Good Luck, I am sure it can be a daunting task at times.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. hurricane5

    hurricane5 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Let me add my welcome..

    I was very impressed with your post and look forward to having your guidance on this board. Also, thanks for taking the time to learn the culture of this board.
  4. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    It is kind of funny that Kaliban "used" me as a temp moderator but this new mod has 1 post to his name.

    I hope that Kaliban does not drop you like he dropped me.
  5. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Hi CCN steve,

    Thanks for the thanks and welcome! Your post was awesome!
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    I'll second Marci, Nave, and hurricane5. Welcome, and thank you!

  7. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome! And good luck to you!
  8. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    First Job
    Change the bloody font size in the post box before I (we ) go blind..
  9. fla-tan

    fla-tan Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor


    Let me also welcome you to the board, and I am humbled to be mentioned in such august company that you placed my name. Let me also please take this opportunity to state that I never left the board as some seem to think. I just took a few days off to resolve some issues that needed to be resolved. Steve, I believe that your post may very well have gone a ways towards resolving those issues. Please email me Steve, I would like to discuss a couple of those issues with you privately.

    Again welcome to the board and may your sojurn here be long and fruitful.

  10. waalien

    waalien Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome to Creditnet, Steve.

  11. CCN steve

    CCN steve Moderator

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Thanks for the unexpectedly warm welcome. I wanted to clearly address something I inadvertently omitted in my original note.

    The longstanding policy previously administered by pbm is back in place: Mentions of other sites are certainly allowed as are both positive and negative feedback regarding Creditnet or any other credit-related site or service.


    WILLDOGS Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Although I am new to the board, I would like to give you a warm welcome as well. :)
  13. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome, CCN Steve!
  14. Deven

    Deven Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Steve -

    Great introduction and I welcome your comments on allowing pointers to other credit sites .... I'm off to "bump" my thread from the other day on just that topic.

  15. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Hi Steve! Nice to have you join us!!
  16. mvalrie

    mvalrie Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    I agree with all my fellow "newbies", welcome to the board. Just one question though, What is wrong with the search function?
  17. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome, CNN steve. I really appreciated your post. Of course, I accused Doc of being you...lol.

  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Well I was honored when I was accused of being pbm, lol, so it seems like this is another honor. Hey, maybe I'm all these guys! Actually, I'm Frank X. McNamara, the fellow who invented the credit card, but I've been looking for something more significant to do with my life lately. :)

  19. chitchat

    chitchat Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor

    Welcome Steve=)
  20. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Re: Creditnet monitor


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