I don't like seeing this statement thrown around. It gives folks the false impression that they can't do anything about it. If you're going to say it tell people what they can do instead.
<shaking head and wondering why I even bothered> Well, you started a thread titled "OC's don't have to validate." You went on to say you didn't like people to say this and recommended that if people are going to say it, to give further explanation. You said it and I was just suggesting that you take your own advise and explain it further. Don't you think that would be helpful? Wasn't that the reason you started the thread? L <who's going back to lurk mode...just not worth it>
This thread made me smile... So, LB59, is this the answer to your riddle?: OCs don't have to validate (prove they have a right to collect on debt), but they do need to verify the account specifics (the original contract between parties) when requested. Taking a stab at this...