Income reporting and verification?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kseab, Jan 28, 2003.

  1. kseab

    kseab Well-Known Member

    Is there any chance that correcting income reported could immediately 'raise' a credit score?

    For example: if employment listed is outdated is it worth changing this, and actually, do credit report even report "income" -- although I suppose they do otherwise how is income/debt ratio figured in scoring?

    Also, I fear that when changing it -- it will begin listing us as employed at XYZ from the CURRENT date instead of 2+ years ago, for example, and could inadvertently lower our score(s) by implying we haven't been employed there long.


    Years ago I spent over a YEAR correcting numerous errors in a misidentification of my spouse with his father but all this "credit score" stuff is so new to me -- I'm lost.
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Don't sweat can have the employment section of your credit report say that you're a death row inmate, or a professional blackjack player, or an Irish Traveller, and it won't affect your FICO score a bit. Not only is your job not factored into your FICO score; Equifax, at least, seems to no longer be updating any employment info at all.

    As for information on your income, lenders typically get that from your application, subject to their verification (i.e., copies of paystubs, W-2's, etc.).


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