48 Hour letter or not?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lucas222, Jan 29, 2003.

  1. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

    Hi Gang,

    What do the think of these Validation steps?
    1. 30 day validation letter
    2. 15 day estopell letter
    3. 48 hour validation letter
    4. then dispute to CRA with validation documents

    Does everyone agree to these steps?

    Thanks, Lucas
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i do not know of or have ever used a 48 hour validation letter.... are you talking about the 48 hour intent to sue letter?
  3. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

  4. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    i have no idea what this letter is, and i am not paying $25.00 to find out. The steps that you laid out seem fine, however, I would always dispute with cra's after i send out initial validation letters. There are many times the cra's delete entries because the ca fails to respond.

    If this letter is the 48 hour ITS variation that is used here, then i am sure that it is fine. but you should not overlook the obvious, which is simply disputing with the cra's early in the process.
  5. lucas222

    lucas222 Well-Known Member

    here it is... Let me know what you think.
    thanks, Lucas

    ame Of Debt Collector
    City, State & Zip
    Re: Account #123456789 (Enter Your Account # Here)
    I have requested validation on the account noted above on (#) previous occasions and no one in your company has responded to my requests. Your company has reported inaccurate and erroneous information on my credit file and I want it deleted immediately!
    Your company has repeatedly refused to validate Account #(Your Account # Here) for me. Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act I have a right to request copies of certain documents be sent to me in order to validate this account. I have requested those documents on several occasions and your company has ignored those requests.
    (Name Of Creditor/Collector Here) had better pay attention to this final notice and validation request and respond within 48 hours of your receipt of this letter. You obviously CANNOT provide documentation regarding this account, which means you have KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY reported erroneous information to the Credit Bureauâ??s. This is a direct violation of the FDCPA and the FCRA!
    If you fail to respond within the next 48 hours, I will file complaints with the Federal Trade Commission, the Better Business Bureau, the State Attorney Generalâ??s Office and I will prepare copies of MY documentation for my attorney to file suit against (Name Of Creditor/Collector Here). You have ignored my requests long enough. If you do not remove all references to account #(Account # Here) I will have no choice but to encourage my attorney to take legal action against your company.
    Best Regards

    Your Name

    Name and Address of Creditor:________________________________________
    Name of Debtor: ___________________________________________________
    Account #: _______________________________________________________
    Address of Debtor: _________________________________________________
    Amount of debt purported to be owed: _________________________________
    Date alleged debt became payable: ___________________________________
    Was this debt assigned to debt collector or purchased? ___________________
    Amount paid if debt was purchased: ___________________________________
    Commission for debt collector if collection efforts are successful: ___________
     Please attach a copy of the agreement with your client that grants (Collection Agency Name) the authority to collect this alleged debt.
     Please attach a copy of any signed agreement debtor has made with debt collector, or other verifiable proof that debtor has a contractual obligation to pay debt collector.
     Please attach a copy of any agreement that bears the signature of debtor, wherein he/she agreed to pay creditor.
     Please attach copies of all statements while this account was open.
    Have any insurance claims been made by any creditor regarding this account? YES NO
    Have any judgments been obtained by any creditor regarding this account? YES NO
    Please provide the name and address of the bonding agent for (Name Of Debt Collector), in case legal action becomes necessary: __________________________________________________________________

    Authorized Signature For Creditor
    Please return this completed form along with copies of all requested information, assignments or other transfer agreements, which would establish your right to collect this alleged debt within 48 hours from the date of this letter. Your claim cannot be considered if any portion of this form is not completed and returned with copies of all requested documents. This is a request for validation made pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you do not respond as required by law, your claim will not be considered and you may be liable for damages for continued collection efforts. Please allow 30 days for processing after I receive this information back.

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