capital one FYI...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by skyy, Feb 5, 2003.

  1. skyy

    skyy Well-Known Member

    I just got off the phone with Mr. Cooke at Capital One (my one-year review), and in the course of conversation he told me that the company has revised their review policy - it will now be every 8 months, not every 6. Thought I would pass that info along to everyone.
  2. luckymom

    luckymom Well-Known Member

    They AR me every single month - sometimes 2x - and I have never used the card.
  3. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    Yep. I talked to Mr. Cooke wanting a 1000 line increase and indeed, it is now a 8 month waiting period for credit limit increases. Looks like I'll have to wait another 2 months. No biggie, but what was the rational for adding another 2 months? And why now?
  4. gli

    gli Active Member

    I was told I could only get a CL increase once a year.

    I called yesterday because I've had the card for one year.

    I got a big $100 increase! Wow, now I've got a $600 CL.

    The rep would not waive the $59 annual fee which is due next month. When that gets added to the card balance the net effect is a CL increase of $41.
  5. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Cap 1 has always been tight with their CL increases. I've had a Cap 1 account since 1996 and my CL is $3200.

    Just use the card as a fondation for really prime cc. Don't forget Cap 1 does not report true CL limits.

    Best regards,
  6. jr

    jr Well-Known Member

    I just got a credit line increase about 3 weeks ago and I only had to wait six months to ask for one. I wonder if they are only doing it to certain accounts.
  7. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    I just got my whopping 100 cl increase on Sunday. I have 2 crap1's. My regular card has a higher cl than my platinum. I know they used to be more generous with increases, but not anymore. Also, some reps say that it is a year for increases. They are wrong. Lil bastard told me this after I had already spoken with someone else. I did automated and was approved after 6 months.

    Well, if it is 8 months now, then so be it. Good luck to anyone requesting more than 100 bux,
  8. skyy

    skyy Well-Known Member

    Mr. Cooke did give me the limit increase, but then told me my next review would be in 8 months. So I don't know when this new policy really went into effect.

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