I see ALOT of posts here.......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mrbreeze, Feb 6, 2003.

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  1. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Thank you, Sir
  2. slowbra1

    slowbra1 Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Bill did you come back to fight or to help ???????
    can you clarify what your aim is ?????
  3. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    How can we ever learn ANYTHING, if we don't get opinions other than our own? Right or wrong, green or purple, that is the purpose of getting another set of opinions, which in my case, are always better than my own!! If a debate gets heated, it only shows how strongly people feel about their convictions! I think its better to be passionate about a subject than apathetic.
  4. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    I've never started a fight on any message board that I can remember. At least not knowingly nor deliberately. There are a number of reasons why different ones got started and most of them were so long ago that I probably don't have the correct details of them anymore.

    But no, I don't go about deliberately starting fights. In fact I try to avoid them if at all possible.

    Maybe I did at some time or another without actually realizing what the results would be. I hope that among many other things I have learned how to prevent them from happening by trying to be more careful of what I say and how I say them and better how to put the fires out if and when they do start.

    I certainly admit that I may not be the best "statesman" by anybody's standards or by any stretch of the imagination. I also realize that I am sometimes caustic when I really don't mean to be that way at all.

    Some accuse me of holding back on information they know that I obviously have in order to make money off of them. While that may be partially true, it goes a lot deeper than mere money.

    Let me explain my thinking which is backed up by hard experience.

    I've developed a working strategy that is at least 75% effective over a very large number of cases. Hundreds of them. And the success rate usually runs far higher than that. It's taken me many, many sleepless days and nights weekends included to get the job done. And its still nowhere near done and it probably never will be.

    If I put all of what I know how to do all over the message boards for the public to see and do with what they will for free or even somehow for pay people will end up in trouble because they didn't understand what they thought they had read and even worse it will have very quickly become public knowledge and because a substantial part of that viewing public will be the very people whom the party of the first part hoped to use against the party of the second part and will almost immediately become totally worthless because the instant the party of the second part will recognize it immediately and will develop strategies to defeat the party of the first part.

    Then I will have wasted my time and really ended up hurting others in the process. Hurting the very people who trusted me to help them. I just happen to care about the average person a lot more than to let that happen.

    So by controlling who gets the real meat of what I know very tightly I make sure that its going to get in the hands of those who need it rather than in the hands of those who might wish to capitalize on it. And I also know that when they get it I will have the opportunity to work with them and be certain they know how, when and where to use that information to their best interests and not go off on some tangent and get themselves in hot water with it.

    There is also another great benefit to controlling the most vital parts of what I know and that is by working with those who purchase it I can see any difficulties they might run into and I can make corrections to the material that will keep them and others from making the same mistakes.

    If it were all about money and only about money then I would simply write a book and put it all in the book and let Barnes&Noble or whoever sell it across the counter for $29.95 or whatever and just sit back and reap the royalties not caring whether the purchaser of the book got any good out of it or not.

    While helping people for free by posting all that one knows on message boards for free may seem a noble thing to do, there is far too much evidence out there that supports the idea that doing so only results in the information becoming obselete and worthless in a very short period of time and therefore new stuff has to be invented and perfected all the time just because of it.

    Lots of people just don't seem to understand that or don't stop to think about it and when they can't get it for free they get mad and want to start fights which makes the whole situation even worse.

    A very few want to post what they know on the message boards for ego building purposes so anyone posing a threat to their egos is immediately attacked either directly or by some subterfuge which generates the fight and the resulting hate, discontent and chaos. And some probably do it in order to cause so much confusion on the board that the newbies will all just give up and leave in disgust. After all, if someone has a vested business interest in collecting debts and they saw information that could easily be devastating to their business and badly hurt their cash flow being publicly displayed they may very well put certain trusted and knowledgeable people into the discussions for the sole purpose of seeing to it that the newbies did all leave in disgust not being able to find what they need or trust what they saw.

    But I don't do it just to make a few bucks and I don't deliberately go about starting fights and I don't do it just to make me look bigger and badder than anybody else.

    And those who disagree with me or pick my statements to pieces are doing all of us some good most of the time. So maybe we should not be too unkind to them. They, albiet unwittingly most of the time do point out our weaknesses and where we have made errors in our thinking. I try to listen to them very carefully for they too have much to teach even if their methods may leave something to be desired as my own often do.

    Hope that clears up some things.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

  6. pnwman

    pnwman Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Great point. Thanks for reminding me.
  7. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    hey bbauer, remember CREDITMANIA?

    It was the first board I joined. Unfortunately, it was shut down last July.

    I noticed it is back up, why haven't you rejoined?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    IT WAS SHUT DOWN BY...you know who...
  9. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Actually it is no longer up, but a new board has been formed. Things got out of hand with another troll actually harrassing people posting personal info, having porn sites sending e-mails to the posters etc.
  10. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    I think **someone** completely abused that board.

    Any ideas who?

    It was shame when the board shut down, I really liked it. [sad emoticon]
  11. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Well I hope Mr. Breeze got the answer he needed. This thread has been so severely hijacked it should be criminal! LOL

    Mr. Breeze - if you still have questions, please feel free to start a new post!
  12. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Yes, it was Bill's sparring partner -- who tormented Bill much as you're doing now for very little reason. What do I win?


    P.S. Jlynn, you're right. Sorry. :(
  13. cinderella

    cinderella Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Nobody won, the board got shut down. Anyone who liked the board lost.

    But IMHO, before the board shut down, it had already turned sour. A few posters dominated the board with their never ending nonsense.

    Takes two to tango.

    Maybe CN won with the new members?
  14. mrbreeze

    mrbreeze Active Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    Yes, it did get hijacked, didn't it? The responses previous to that were helpfula nd I'm still leaning towards the ncc for debt negotiation. Thanks all. I'll keep looking and lurking, though. There's alot of helpful information here.
  15. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    lbrown59 is a she????? <thud>

  16. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    I've never heard of ncc, and didn't find their website very informational. Maybe you can explain it to us, and some experienced might give you the up and downside of it.
  17. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    ok lbrown59, fess up, because inquiring minds want to know (although I'm not sure why) lol!
    Male or female? Patti
  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

  20. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: I see ALOT of posts here......

    thanks again, GEORGE!
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