Best dispute method for this?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Texas, Feb 13, 2003.

  1. Texas

    Texas New Member

    I want my reports to correctly reflect no late pays and included in bankruptcy. Yes, we paid up until the moment we filed.

    I disputed some trade lines reporting late pays using the "not mine" option. Some updated as I hoped they would and some were deleted which was even better.

    I have two still reporting incorrectly.

    Bank of America is showing 120 days late. This would be from the time we filed until the time we were discharged.

    Nextcard is showing open, pays as agreed, never late BUT a balance of 4,800 on a 5,000 credit line.

    What is the best way to get them to correct the report without admitting the bankruptcy?

    Thanks for your help.

    I've lurked here for years and appreciate what y'all for for each other. I think I'll be posting now that I have something to post about :)
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

  3. Texas

    Texas New Member


    Shameless, but hey, I know one of the readers of this board knows the answer. I just have to get my question out there at the right time where the right person sees it.

  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    I've been thinking about your problem.....

    The problem is that I believe, under BK code, they have to stop reporting to the CRA's, so I'm concerned that the only way you can get them to remove the lates, they would mark it as included in BK.

    Maybe you could write a letter to the OC, and steer clear of the CRA all together. Some sort of nutcase that they had to stop reporting the moment you filed (continued collection activity), and that you demand the lates be removed. But then you are admitting to the BK--what a Catch 22.

    These are just thoughts, maybe it will get some others to chime in with some ideas.
  5. Texas

    Texas New Member


    Trying to get others to chime in :)

    Thanks Jlynn. You and I are seeing the same negatives. I need some input from the brilliant people here on a way around it.

    Nextcard â?? cannot see a way to change this as I donâ??t know who got my debt when they folded and since I could have reaffirmed the debt my creditorâ??s matrix is all I have to show I did not.

    Need some big help with that one.

    Regarding B of A â?? If I contact them and straighten them out I am concerned that will haunt me forever. I was hoping someone would have a strategy to shake them into updating correctly without having to admit the bk.

    I was thinking a letter to them saying â??you show this and the CRA says I filed in June so you are in violation of the bk code by trying to collect a debt. Please check your records again regarding late pays or Iâ??ll go after you for violating fed. bk codes.â?

    That sounds nutcase to me. Iâ??ve never sued anyone and if they pushed back Iâ??d probably become a nutcase. :)
  6. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Hi Texas,

    Welcome aboard.

    Tell me why you think it would be better to have these (in BK) cases updated to correct as opposed to having them deleted completely.

  7. Texas

    Texas New Member


    Hi Butch,

    Thanks for the welcome.

    I would have no problem whatsoever with a deletion. :)

    My thought was that I would get the reports accurate and go from there. I had no idea it was going to be so hard to get them accurate!

    Any thoughts on what to do?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated â?? and I really mean that.
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Texas, What county was your BK in? Charlie
  9. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Texas, Howdy! I'm in Texas too. I had a similar situation. LIke you, I wanted everything shown as "included in bk." After that I wanted it deleted. I am not so sure that was the most brilliant thing I have ever done. I know people on this board that did file a bk, it did report to the CRA's, but they never alerted the OC's. I think you might have an easier time getting them deleted if you don't have them reporting as "included in bk." Just my 2 cents. THey become harder to dispute when you have a public record reporting and a string of "included in bk" accounts under it.

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