I have had the Lowes Card for about 1.5yrs now. They orignal limit was $500. They have still not increased that limit after all the time. All payments to them on time. I called 2 days ago to up my cl. Denied..check my cr today on all 3 burues...they did not pull any hard or soft inquires on ANY one of them. How the hell did they deny me then? My EXP score is 652. Then I applied for the Home Depot card.instand approval of...once again...$500. Called to up that..denied..again no cr pulled. Has this happen to anyone here? or is it just the bank? $500 aint gettin me nothing for home repairs. Thanks,
Do you pay in full? Or do you pay minimum payment only? I think it is an internal thing. Also depends on other accounts you have with MBGA.
When I applied for hd at the store, I was approved for 250. WHHOOPPEEE, lol. Anyways, asked sales lady to call and ask for increase on the spot. She did and they upped it to 1000. Hubbys card hasnt been increased at all. He has 500 limit as well. told him: neener neener. Lowes is a lot tougher to get. He was approved for hd, but big fat D for Lowes. Im not brave enought to try. They pull exp in our state and even though me exp is clean, my score is only 633 due to new file. WHat did your report look like when you got lowes? Who did they pull? Also, If I apply for lowes online, who do they pull? Anyone know?
Weird...hubby applied online for Lowe's and was instantly approved for $725...minutes later we applied to Home Depot and he was denied! I know they're both issued through Monogram Bank so I thought it was strange for him to get one but not the other... As for who they pulled for Lowes- can't figure it out! There's no inquiry on ANY of his reports for Lowes. They did pull EQ for the Home Depot card, though.
Also, was there a bk on his reports? I am curious...REALLLY want a Lowes. Also want a Target Visa, but not sure if they will convert mine or if I should apply separately. D-letter hubby got form lowes last year said exp, but that was in-store. I just checked his exp and new inq isnt there from yesterdays in-store app. Wondering if they pull someone else online.
If Lowes pulled EQ like Home Depot did, there is a Chapter 7 from 1999 on hubby's reports. His score was 681 at the time- inflated because of some disputes. Let me check his EQ report again real quick and make sure there's not a Lowe's inquiry on there.
02/08/2003 Home Depot/MBGA Credit Ctr 02/07/2003 GECC OK- here's the most recent inquiries on EQ... I think the 2nd one was for his GM Mastercard, though???
I need one or the other bad, but I'm to scared to apply!! I checked this am(TU) and I'm just now up to a 608, but its better than the 526 I started with 1-1-03, and I don't know about the other 2.
How about this Nik- I'll trade you our Lowes card for your Home Depot lol! The closest Lowes is all the way in Indiana- that's probably why they gave it to us because they know we'll never use it!
Yeah- the GM card does but I thought I had read somewhere that Household and GM pull your report for it... But, looking at that inquiry it's "GECC" not "GMAC" or "GMCC"...what the hell is GECC?
I had to beg and plead for a $300 HD card. 6 months later I tried for a cl increase and only got a hard inquiry with no increase. I have used the card dozens of times and pay it off in full each time a few weeks later. Did you know if you are denied with a pull of one CRA you can call and talk to one of their special reps and he can pull any CRA you want. Our experian is low because of the crap they pulled(and are not getting sued for) so we had them pull equifax and got approved. Of course, $300 still blows when they have large ticket items.
GECC is General Electric Credit Corporation , they pulled our credit report when we applied for the home depot card for my husbands busineess. They issue a lot of private label cards.
GECC is General Electric Credit Corporation , they pulled our credit report when we applied for the home depot card for my husbands business. They issue a lot of private label cards.
Just applied for Chase Mastercard, got a statement, will make decision after review of information. Pulled Transunion, Wk:20 TU Fako:757. On HomeDepot, believe pulled an equifax and Denied, scoe is 612. I am trying a new methodology so I am not worried about the inquiries. currently in dispute and re-investigation on Equifax.
Epitomee, Which methodology are you trying? Just curious.... Not sure how, but all of my tu inqs dissappeared. NEED to get inqs on of eq!! If you cant post due to trolls, I'll give you my email address. Thanks a bunch!
I applied yesterday online and was approved for lowes card, I didn't realize they have a visa I'd like to find out if I can switch to. GECC pulled my Eq for it (score was probably 685-690 -guessing) and they told me that Ge Capital owns MCCBG (Monogram credit card bank of Georgia). So GECC did in fact pull credit for the lowe's card. I was told some time ago that MCCBG doesn't grant credit with a bk....don't know if that's still true. I was a little peeved at the way Lowes credit center handled my request for an increase in the store, so I am going to take it a little further.