Hi again everyone. This is the first time that I have posted in a few weeks. This post will, as some of my posts tend to do, ramble some on topic and sometimes not (after creating this missive, I let it sit for a couple of days before posting). I took a self-imposed exile. This exile has included any and all credit related boards. I wonâ??t go into all the details, as I donâ??t believe that is either necessary or instructive. Needless to say I had a lot of personal anger that I had to deal with concerning some events that took place here. Those that have been around for a while will, I am sure, know what I am talking about. I havenâ??t even spent any time here lurking. One thing that I will mention, and one of the things that did cause me to leave, was that there suddenly was a tremendous amount of misinformation being bandied about here as gospel fact. Unfortunately, no one (including myself) did anything to counter this trend. Of recent, I have taken a couple of days to do a bit of lurking, to see if I felt a desire to return. I have felt a desire to again become an active member of the CN family, though I wonâ??t return to the leave of activity of the past. As in the past, I will mostly limit my posts to my areas of expertise. First thing I would like to commend and congratulate CCN Steve, the new moderator. He said that he wouldnâ??t censor except in extreme cases, and so far, in my limited observation, he has kept his word. (fla-tan stands and applauds) Secondly, I was glad to see that PsychDoc has also decided that he too would remain part of the family. Though, if he reads this post he may possibly want me to come by for several professional visits (free of charge I hope). Bbauer I am glad to see you are back, as you were missed, by me at least if by no one else. Are you as erasable as ever? There are several others that I should probably mention so as not to hurt anyoneâ??s feelings, but unfortunately I canâ??t come up with any names at this time (probably suffering from old-timerâ??s disease). I am sure that there are additional topics that I should mention, but I will leave them for additional posts. fla-tan
fla-tan -- nice to see ya! What can you tell me about loans, interest rates, percent down, and qualifying for land purchase only? Are there no doc loans for land? Do you have to have an accepted purchase offer before applying for a loan? Thanks!
Just posted a "Glad to see you" response on a mortgage thread!! You were greatly missed by MANY OF US. You're OUR FLA-TAN and we luv ya!!! Okay, not just cause I have questions coming up in the future, but because your posts are some of the most DECENT and HELPFUL (not to mention accurate) posted on any board. You treat people right, answer directly and offer us help above and beyond. I'm just so darn tickled to see you back!!!!!! Ahhh, warm fuzzies, I feel so much better..... Newstdt ")
Wow lyttlemac, that is a mouth full of questions. Let me try to take them as you asked them. Land purchases are treated very different from traditional mortgages. There are far fewer lenders that will do raw land only. I have not really spent much time involved with that area though. The few times that I have done land only, it was part of either a commercial land development deal or it was prilimary to building a house. Land only deals mostly are much more score driven than normal mortgages. I would have to contact a couple of my lenders before I can answer your question about the abailabilty of no-doc land only mortgages. You can apply for a mortgage at any time. You don't need to have an accepted purchase agreement in place first. As a matter of fact, it makes it easier in most cases to have a pre-approval in place when you make the offer. In addition, applying for a mortgage first will help you to have a better idea as to what you will qualify for. I hope this helps you some. fla-tan
SOOOO glad to see you back, Fla-tan!! It wasn't only that we MISSED you, we were worried about you, too!! Glad to know your expertise is back for all who need it!! Welcome back!! Patti
as a bonafide member of the fla-tan fan club, welcome back....... I really really missed you! check your email!
Well, I see you have invented a new term for the backspace key. (LOL) Maybe the ignore key as well. (LOL) If you meant irrascable then yes, probably so. But then you needn't have missed me since I have my own message board as well. But then you probably already knew that too.
yes I meant irrascable...d*mned spell check screwed up again LOL I also thought about using curmudgeon as well I was aware of your board, but I stayed away from all credit related boards and I was never previously involved with creditwrench's board. fla-tan