Where are my repo folks ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by edoggie, Feb 23, 2003.

  1. edoggie

    edoggie Well-Known Member


    I'm curious has this ever happened to you:

    You have some old repo on your reports but the OC is still reporting a balance on the loan and reporting it past due!

    I had some advice from WhyChat I'm gonna work on right now but I'm curious has this situation happened to anyone else and what they did about it. Yes I've diputed it several times with the CRA so I'm going straight fro the horse.

    I believe they can't report a balance on a repo since the original contract goes void; moreover, they never saught a deficiency within the legal time so I have nothing to worry about on that end.

    It's all a grey area so I'd like to compare my situation to yours. If I can knock this repo off, I'd be looking at more acceptable interest rates on a mortgage.
  2. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member


    I have something similar, reporting 120 days past due on a repo. I am also trying to get it off for mortgage purposes ( see my thread... using an atty>) If i can get it off, I will be in mortgage land!
  3. psp in nm

    psp in nm Well-Known Member

    edoggie, DH's is showing a collection on the deficit for $5200 AFTER we got a judgement on it from another CA!! (Sherman is what is showing)!! I'm gonna fix it, though!! LOL
  4. HDAlex

    HDAlex Well-Known Member


    I'm in a very similar boat, and started this thread looking for answers:


    The question was more about chargeoff's being reported with a past due balance, but in my case, the chargeoff is from a repo (no defeciency ever claimed, WF is not entitled to one actually, because they didn't follow Calif. law)

    I'm VERY interested in your mileage with this, please keep me updated.


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