I have had my c redit card with Sears for over 30 years, $5,500 limit, never late with payments. This account was paid off with $0 balance when we were finally forced to file BK7 two weeks ago. Sears was NOT listed in the BK, but must subscribe to a snoop service that notifies then of all BK filings. Anyway, they immediately canceled my account without notice. I called and talked to one of their credit supervisors, who said it is company policy to cancel the account of anyone who files BK, even if Sears is paid off and not included in the BK. I told him that I had been a valuable customer for over 30 years, and was there a supervisor he could put me through to. He said that he was a supervisor and that any one of them would tell me the same thing. I have no problem taking my business elsewhere if this is all Sears thinks of 30 years of receiving a profit from me each month. But I am sure that loosing one of my best trade lines is going to lower my FICO score - and I am pretty sure that they will list it as "BK" or "Closed at Credit Grantor's Request". I printed out my Sears Card credit terms (all 12 pages!) and reviewed them. They state that they MAY decrease or terminate a credit line at any time, with or without cause, and without prior notice. It states that you are in default of their agreement if "You file a petition .....under the federal bankruptcy code......" It goes on to state, "If you are in default.......we MAY......terminate the account...... We may choose to delay or not to enforce any term in thie agreement........without losing our rights." In other words, they don't HAVE to cancel my account! I thought it might be worth one more call or appropriate letter to try and keep this 30-year positive CL intact if I could locate the contact information for the right person within Sears - perhaps a VP. Has anyone had any luck in petitioning Sears about their account? Does anyone have any contact names, titles, phone numbers, addresses of anyone within Sears that might have the authority to reverse the cancellation of my account? Anyone have a "valued customer" letter they could share? Thanks, BKinUT
< bumpity, bumpity - HELP! > Update 2-25-03 - After much searching, I found name/address of CEO, Pres Credit & Financial Services, EVP & Chief Customer/Marketing Officer, but nothing for Customer Service. Now all I need are the right words for my letter. Has anyone here ever wrote a similar letter to any CC company, asking them to reinstate their CL? ANY ideas would certainly be appreciated. Thanks, BKinUT
could you use pfb. (planet feedback) that way it will go to ceo and then to the right person. just a thought!