am I missing something here

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by picantel, Feb 25, 2003.

  1. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    Ok, we all know that TU updates once a week and we all have different days they update. Mine is on a tuesday. I want to get a loan but my score was only 606 because of a mortgage drop. Today I pulled TU and I was at a 675 so I thought this is way good enough for the simple loan I want. I call and apply and they turn me down. I asked out of curiousity what the score was they had and they said a 578. How the heck could this be almost 100 points apart. Keep in mind my TU is perfect0 no negatives, lates,ect. Stupid stupid fico.
  2. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The lender you applied with most likely uses their own scoring model with the info on your report. As we all know, different model, different score.
  3. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Never mind.
    His model is flat chested and scrawny.
    In fact, his model is so ugly it may very well be capable of gagging a dog off of a gutwagon.

    He just needs a new model
  4. LD

    LD Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO. Too funny!
  5. boywonder

    boywonder Well-Known Member

    That is so random. 100 point difference? My current theory is that FICO is a drunken, blindfolded midget that throws darts at a dartboard until he comes up with some number. Hey, it's a lot more plausible than most of these "scoring" scenarios.
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: am I missing something here

    You forgot to mention that they use inflatable dart boards.
  7. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: am I missing something here

    His model is flat chested and scrawny.

    What is wrong with being flat-chested?????

    ....Dont answer that.

  8. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Well I'm glad someone brought that up!
  9. four20nik

    four20nik Well-Known Member

    Amazing what good credit can buy, lol....1 year to go, lmao...
  10. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: am I missing something here

  11. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: am I missing something here

    Well, I gotta admit that it might be better than being flat headed or flat footed.
  12. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: am I missing something here

    I personally think for a scoring system they have a field full of cows and marked on the field are squares with numbers on them.

    Whichever square your cow drops a pie on is the number you get for your FICO score.
  13. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: am I missing something here

    Then the obvious answer would be to gather up all the cow pies and encase them in plastic, drill a big round hole in the middle and insert a quartz clock in the hole and sell them on the internet. Make so much money that you don't care what the durn FICO is.

    Believe it or not, there is a lady on the internet doing just that.
  14. dixidriftr

    dixidriftr Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: am I missing something here

    Sh*t what will they think of next... Maybe a pie with a 7 year countdown timer?
  15. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Re: Re: am I missing something here

    Another lady from Kansas sells tumbleweeds on the internet. Story goes that they make great substitutes for Christmas trees and stage props for movie sets. Claims she sells them all over the world.

    Most of those kinds of people are those who found themselves with insufficient income to pay the bills or out of work so they had to do something.

    Just goes to show that if you have a bit of ingenuity and are willing to think outside the box you can do just about anything.

    Also proves that when the going gets tough the tough get going.

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