that came back verified? I received a letter from Trans Union and all they said was Verified, Settled less than balance full, payment after charge off/collection. I did not settle on this. I paid it in FULL. Please help.
Here's the detail: I had a collection account before that I paid in FULL because I had no idea about negotiation before. About two weeks ago, I did an online dispute my Household Bank collection account with Trans Union. Yesterday, I received a letter from them saying that "These accounts contain information which some creditors may consider to be adverse. Adverse account may be reported for 7 years from the date of first delinquency." HHLD BANK #<Acct. Number> Revolving Acct >Settled Less Than Full Balance < Verif'd 2/2003 Opened: Date Closed: Date Status as of 4/2000: Payment after charge off/collection ---------------- The thing is this used to be reported as 30 day on the remarks section even though it's a collection account. Now that I disputed, it's modified as settled less than full and paid collection. Can they put COLLECTION even though the one who verified is the OC? I don't see any information for a Collection Agency anywhere. Why would they say settled and charge off or collection? What do I do next? Thank you!
If everything thing is right on a tradline listed with the CRA you use the nutcase series. If you know something that the OC is reporting is wrong and can prove it in court I'd do the following: 1) send them this letter CRRR. Dear Creditor, This letter is to inform you that (name of company) is reporting innaccurate information, specifically (describe nature of inaccurate information) to (name of specific credit bureau or bureaus to which the inaccurate info is listed). Be advised I am in full dispute of this inaccurate information and any other information you are providing to the credit bureaus and I demand an investigation into this matter. Thank you, Blah Blah Blah 2) dispute the inaccurate info with the CRA's at the same time as sending off the letter. The OC is going to do one of two things after recieving this letter. a) Fix the account, which is highly unlikely if their computer records say what your disputing is accurate. or... b) Blow you off. Let's break it down as to how this letter works. The goal is to get enough violations to file suit. If the CRA verifies that the infor the OC is reporting is accurate you have the OC on: (A) Reporting information with actual knowledge of errors. A person shall not furnish any information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if the person knows or consciously avoids knowing that the information is inaccurate. (B) Reporting information after notice and confirmation of errors. A person shall not furnish information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if (i) the person has been notified by the consumer, at the address specified by the person for such notices, that specific information is inaccurate; and (ii) the information is, in fact, inaccurate. And if the OC did not mark the account in dispute when the CRA verified you have them on: (3) Duty to provide notice of dispute. If the completeness or accuracy of any information furnished by any person to any consumer reporting agency is disputed to such person by a consumer, the person may not furnish the information to any consumer reporting agency without notice that such information is disputed by the consumer. Finally you get them on the big one. Defamation of character as they communicated false negative information about you to a third party. Namely the CRA. For good measure you may want to repeat the series twice to further reinforce your case of willful noncompliance. Once you get it all together take em to court!
The account is indeed a collection account. I had a collection agency representative call me and ask for the money over two years ago. I paid it in FULL. But they are saying I SETTLED? I'm also wondering why the OC is the one reporting it and not the collection agency? I don't see any information on the collection agency. Thank you very much for your advice. Is there anybody else who has any input on this?
Fact: There is no credit limit being reported. Is this ground for complete deletion because it is inaccurate information?
what's the best way to have it removed then? i already disputed it as not mine and it's verified incorrectly.
GC, he gave you the answer.... send the letter to the OC.. the worst that can happen is that they will update as paid and send you documentation. The CRA has obviously lied once already.... I would send them a letter asking for procedures used to verify this account...... they will not provide it( more ammo) You can dispute in writing better than on line by saying that you have no knowledge of this alleged debt and have never heard of so/so collection agency and of course, to your knowledge, do not owe them any money.
uniondiva, this is a paid collection account. the collection agency is not reporting, the orginal creditor is. is it still okay to dispute as "no knowledge of this account". it really sucks because it's paid in full and now they're saying I settled. i really just want this deleted.
Dixie had good advice. If you are just looking for other suggestions you can try redisputing with CRA "I never settled for less than full balance an account with Household".
Thank you all! I will try sending a procedure request letter to the CRA and a validation request to the OC. I'll let you know wha thappens.